Screenwriting : Agents/Agencies by William Smith

William Smith


can any one recommend some agents/agencies for screenwriters?  

Sonia Dubois

Wish I could! I've approached several agents but most of them only represent people that have been referred to them. I've been told that getting a manager is easier and then they can get you an agent when necessary.

Christopher Phillips

Agents only want to work with you if you have a substantial deal already on the table. Small deals you can do on your own or use an entertainment lawyer. They don't do development.

Managers do development, but they can't can't act as agents. They can attach themselves to projects as producer (agents can't). Managers only take on a few clients because of the development work takes a lot of time with notes and meetings and going through scripts to get them solid enough for the market.

To get a manager or an agent, you typically need a referral from someone that knows your work and the manager or agent trusts.

Maurice Vaughan

Have you thought about entering Stage 32's screenwriting contests, William Smith (

One of the prizes is your professional biography will be sent to an exclusive roster of over 30 agents and managers who have a First Look deal with Stage 32 and are actively looking for new clients and material.

And if you reach the Finals in a Stage 32 screenwriting contest, you'll be in a Stage 32 Lookbook, which includes your script title, logline, and bio mailed to over 500 industry executives including, managers, agents, producers, development executives, and financiers.

You could also search IMDbPro for agents (

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