Introduce Yourself : Balsem's introduction by Balsem Errouh Libolt

Balsem Errouh Libolt

Balsem's introduction

Hello everyone,

My name is Balsem a Director, screenwriter and 1st AD with over 10 years of experience in the industry.

I am originally from Tunisia, born and raised there. I relocated to the US a year ago.

I have been working on a very feminist script tackeling issues like sex trafficking, toxic relationships, substance abuse among others.

I wanna collaborate with other creatives so my film, Radio Stars, can see the light of day.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Balsem Errouh Libolt. Your script deals with very important issues. How much of the script do you have done?

Balsem Errouh Libolt

I finished writing it.

Kelly E. Keough

Hi Balsem, I want to tell you that your post caught my attention especially the topics that you are writing about. I think your story is important. I.would like to show you to a writer on Substack. Here is her profile, and she writes fiction on the topics you do, namely DARK HEALING. I am supposed to interview her in April for my podcast. Check her out:

Sam Sokolow

It's great to meet you here in the community, Balsem Errouh Libolt. Really impressed that you are tackling such meaningful topics in your film. That's when art reaches it peak to me. Where do you hope to shoot it?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing your script, Balsem Errouh Libolt! You could post your logline, synopsis, and script in the Logline Section of your profile so producers, etc. can see them.

I suggest adding more information to your profile bio. It’ll help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to your bio like why you became an AD, screenwriter/director, your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies and shows you like.

Balsem Errouh Libolt

Yes I should, thank you for your advice, I will get to it this weekend

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Balsem Errouh Libolt.

Amanda Toney

glad to have you here! And thank you for tackling such a difficult subject. I hope you find all the collaborators you need here so your story can see the light of day!

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