I am the writer Oma Stanescu. I entered Stage 32 with the script "Love Spell", hoping to find a producer. When somebody who was presenting as Rebecca O'Brien requested to give it to her, because she is a producer, so I emailed it to her. But no answer afterwards. Another producer, Aet Laigu showed her interest for my script. After she studied it for three days, as she told me- she has praised me so much, as nobody before, and I have agreed to collaborate with her. Unfortunately it was about a bunch of swindlers, three in numbers, who have determined me to give them my personal data, my bank account and a copy of my passport, because, as they told, they would obtain a sponsorship on my account. In reality they wanted to obtain a credit through my account and further, I had to send them all the money, after which they would have vanished as by charm. And who would pay the credit back? I- of course! The chief swindler, alias Aet, told me that she is coming with the crew and all but I have to pay her for her work, so she asked from me $ 2800. I told her that I have not that amount, so she came down to 280 instead. She put me to send the money through PayPal, but because the destination of money was for film, and PayPal won't give her the money- she asked me to buy gift cards of all the amount, instead. Recently I was informed by Facebook that somebody from Nigeria has sent them a copy of my passport, pretending that was I.So, the swindler was from Nigeria. Recently I published the memoir "Love Spell." The link to it is https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr.gn5jsfRlLqog3Ah3Bwx.;_ylu=Y29sbwMEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1710563812/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.amazon.co.uk%2fLOVE-SPELL-Oma-Stanescu%2fdp%2f1963878302/RK=2/RS=EG8IxIKNxypl8YH0hpRYjlOEtKI-
My sincere question is: does it deserve to be translated in a film? Where can I find a producer? Or, better, will I ever find them? Thank you. A lovely weekend ahead!
Hi, Oma Stanescu. Some of your post doesn't show up on the right-hand side. I'm not sure if I'm the only one having the issue or not.
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Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Oma Stanescu! I think part of your post may have been cut off slightly.
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Thank you! I wish you a lovely weekend! You are wonderful, Ashley and Maurice!
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I wanted to tell “if it is worth making a film.” In this life, of course.
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You're welcome, Oma Stanescu. Have a lovely weekend too.
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You are right, Maurice! Even I don't understand why my post doesn't show up entirely! Nobody understand anything! Anyway, I'm happy that I posted my pleading!
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Welcome Oma Stanescu !
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Is this the first time it's happened, Oma Stanescu?
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Yes, https://www.stage32.com/MauriceVScreenwriter! I don't know why. Maybe because I had not to tell the whole story!
If it happens again, I suggest emailing Technical Support, Oma Stanescu (support@stage32.com).
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Thank you, Maurice Vaughan! Thank you, Heidi Wolff and Aure Atika!
You're welcome, Aure Atika.