There has been some debate as to whether or not Disney rebooting it's classics is simply making old goodies fresh for a new generation or a warning sign that creativity is lacking. I recently read that Disney is rebooting a few of their 90s cartoon classic, Tailspin being one of my childhood favorites, as well as others. Anyone has a classic that would be a good idea to reboot, or is it better to leave the classics alone?
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I don't have a problem with companies rebooting classics, Daniel Husbands. I just want them to have a balance when it comes to IP/reboots and original movies and shows. Original movies and shows shouldn't be left out.
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I think it’s all on how you treat the IP. Ducktales 2017 is a perfect example on how they catered to the old fans while keeping it fresh for a new audience. Personally I think all these reboots aren’t necessary I mean why not make something new inspired by the shows we grew up with? But that’s just me.
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Daniel Husbands, I agree with Maurice and OB. The key to a great reboot is respecting the original IP. I also loved Tale Spin as a kid and I had episodes on VHS that I would rewatch over and over again. I love the idea that with a good reboot, parents can share something that they love with their children while also having something new to watch in the rotation. My friends with little ones are always desperate for a show that they can also enjoy if it's going to be on all the time.
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I would question the direction of any reboot. If the hopes are to get a new audience to rediscover the original, then be sure you honor the original so they and the original audience can bond and enjoy what made the IP special to begin with. If it is just to bring these stories to an audience unfamiliar with the property, with no plans or goals to have them rediscover the original, then why not create an original IP.
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Completely agree, Bob Harper!
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Was Talespin even original to begin with? I mean, when you think about it, Talespin was rebooting characters from the Jungle Book.
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There is so much churn of "legacy" projects that it can be hard to miss the amazing original work being done. I agree with Maurice Vaughan - there needs to be a balance. Go ahead and try rebooting "Underdog" but please make sure I still get "Past Lives".
In a way, it was an early transmedia property, Mike Boas. It took well-known characters like Baloo and continued their story in an original way that existed within the established universe. I would still count that as an original property since Talespin was its own unique story.
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That's a good point, taking characters and expanding their stories is another way to create new and interesting properties. Kind of an in-between, not new characters but new story/situation.