Introduce Yourself : What Is Meant For You Will Always Find You :) by Sandra Isabel Correia

Sandra Isabel Correia

What Is Meant For You Will Always Find You :)

Hi from Europe!

I'm Sandra, a new screenwriter. My background is in business, where I was recognized as a successful female entrepreneur and businesswoman. I changed my life seven years ago. I sold my company and gave up my success to be able to live a balanced life while living in New York, Los Angeles, Xangai, and Lisbon. It was a chaotic life. Today, I decided to live in Lisbon.

Last November, I began Stage 32, and it has been an incredible journey. It's the most supportive community I know, and I've discovered my tribe.

Since October 2023, when I created my first screenplay, I have completed Stage 32 script coverage (which I suggest to any screenwriter who wants to thrive), and I am now set to begin pitching producers.

To succeed, I believe it all comes down to education, strategy, and networking.

I'm still learning, but I'm resilient and tenacious, and I believe dreams come true.

The answer to "no" one day may be "yes."

My goal is to sell my feature screenplay to Hollywood with the intention of raising awareness to women, men, girls, and boys.

The title of my feature screenplay: "What is meant for you will always find you."

The genre is metaphysical queer romance, with a rom-com twist.

The logline is as follows:

"Two spirits attempt to rekindle their cosmic romance on Earth by reincarnating as a pair of women, but find their newfound terrestrial fears and beliefs are an obstacle to their relationship."

I believe in the good, in the metaphysical, and in the power of love to transcend barriers in our lives.

This is me :)

Thank you Stage 32.

Have a wonderful IYW.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sandra Isabel Correia. You've done a lot on Stage 32 in such a short time. What was your favorite place to live in?

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Maurice Vaughan yes, but only because have support from people like you :)) Xangai was a good surprise, but New York was very friendly and I felt as home :) Lisbon and Los Angeles are very similar in weather, nature landscape and more easy go than New York and Xangai in a professional way :)

Sille Larsen

Hey Sandra! wow, you have experienced a lot I can tell! My friend has lived in Lisbon for many years working in the film industry! I am currently located in Spain, but moving back to Denmark, before entering the States this year! I like your logline a lot. I also like your interest in raising awareness among people! I have a similar goal, just more Christian-liked girls. I hope you will find useful help to sell your scripts here on stage32. Make sure to check out our education webinars and our script services. :-D

Jill Godley

I love your go get it attitude and amazing energy!

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Sandra Isabel Correia! I love having you as a part of this community!

Geoff Hall

Sandra Isabel Correia Hi Sandra, it’s great to see you on the IYW. Well done on all your achievements.

Maurice Vaughan

Is Xangai another name for Shanghai, Sandra Isabel Correia? When I searched for Xangai, it brought up Shanghai.

I've been to New York once. Manhattan during the summer. It was SO busy.

Emily J

Hi Sandra Isabel Correia! thanks for sharing! I'd love to know what made your Stage 32 script coverage so helpful? Did you do the standard coverage or premium notes and select and executive? :)

Heidi Wolff

Sandra Isabel Correia Welcome! Wonderful accomplishments!

Naomi Kuagben

You have wonderful energy Sandra. Coincidentally, the title of your screenplay is what I say to myself when feeling low.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Sandra, your project has a lot of meaning, which is what Hollywood is severely lacking these days.

Very inspiring!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Emily, our superwomen :)) I did for second time “ Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive - Executive: Michael Poisson” .He gave me notes on my screenplay and his feedback was really bold and helpful, making my screenplay more appealing and powerful. Michael also advised me on how to approach the market and served as an amazing mentor. I highly suggest him! Soon, I will mail you to ask guidance for my pitches :) have a beautiful Sunday and thanks for always be there for us!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan it’s Shanghai, but in Portuguese we write Xangai :))) Yes, New York is busy, but things happen too fast and it’s really good for business proposes :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Sille Larsen nice to meet you! It's a long journey, but well worth it! When we have the opportunity to change our lives and make choices, things become much more exciting. Wow, you're also in transit! Lisbon is a great place to live, and it is close to Europe's major cities. I did script coverage and I do education as possible at Stage 32. I'm glad you liked my logline; it fits my objective. We'll see if I can find a producer who suits myself and my screenplay. If you need anything from Lisbon, I am here:)

Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Sandra Isabel Correia. I like Manhattan. I'm from a very small town, so I wasn't used to being around so many people. We went into the lobby of Madison Square Garden, but we shouldn't walk through the building. They were doing repairs or something.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Jill Godley :)) I hope you are better and I can send you some of my energy, we share :)) thanksss

Sandra Isabel Correia

Ashley Renee Smith you are welcome my sweet friend :)) of course, my pleasure. I love to be here and all of you are helping me and that’s huge :)) thanksss

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you my good friend Geoff Hall we have been in a lovely path and I am excited to see what comes next :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank youuu Heidi Wolff :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Naomi Kuagben yes, it’s a very common quote that we hear, but somehow we don’t believe it’s true, only some of us as you and me :) My goal is to help people to believe that’s it’s real, because it is :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Marcel Nault Jr. I hope so, we need meanings to our life, I hope so :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan Where are you from? Yes, they were conducting repairs, but now everything is clear. I was in NY last year for four months working as an international advisor for the official NGO of the Broadway production "Prima Facie"; sometimes I change countries:) but now I am in Lisbon.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm from North Carolina, Sandra Isabel Correia. My hometown has about 500 people.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan I was there sleeping one night near the airport when I lost my flight from LA to New York :) wow 500 people that’s small village, but I imagine it’s good. Have an amazing day my friend

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry you missed your flight, Sandra Isabel Correia. My hometown is very small, but it's very friendly and welcoming (southern hospitality). Have an amazing day as well.

Pat Savage

It's the most supportive community I know, and I've discovered my tribe too and countless others. I'm producing a new series and now living in London where I've signed with the biggest casting agency here. Nice to meet you here and happy networking!.

Pat Alexander

Hey Sandra Isabel Correia nice to meet you! Keep pushing and you will find the audience for your screenplay!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Pat Savage love your energy and happy to have you here :)) we are at the same tribe :)) Hope you like to live in London, it’s an amazing city and wish everything goes as you wish. Keep us update! You too

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Pat Alexander nice to meet you too! I will, step step by I know will find them at perfect time :)) thank you for your support! Keep the good you do :))

Sille Larsen

Sandra Isabel Correia If you want me to connect you with my friend I´m happy to! She hosts her film festival every year, where I have been a judge, and I know we have one more here in June in Lisbon, before she moves back to Canada. We met here on stage32. Send me a private message and I will let her know! She´s amazing! I recently talked with her and a screenwriter from the UK, and it was amazing! I love that people we connect with here on stage32 can also be our friends! And yes living here in southern Europe is so nice, because you can easily get to the big cities in Europe!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Sille Larsen That's amazing; I would love that! I go to send you a request, and we speak by message. I love to know people and sharyng. Let's do that!

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