Producing : Update 1 by Justin Groats

Justin Groats

Update 1

So, I am not gonna go into much detail, but I had my pitch session right at the end of my job, and it went really well! I almost fumbled it, I was extremely nervous, but in the end I came through and the listener said they were surprised with how much I had built my world even for it's genre! Will keep it posted

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Justin Groats! Glad you were able to overcome the nervousness and glad the pitch went really well! Congratulations!

Sam Sokolow

Great to hear, Justin Groats. Way to go!

Pat Alexander

Love to hear it! Every pitch you make is a building block for your career and helps you get better at it!

Ashley Renee Smith

That's awesome, Justin Groats!

Sydney Summers

Wonderful to hear Justin! Glad you were able to overcome the nerves and I am so happy to hear the pitch went well! Congrats :)

Geoff Hall

Nice one, Justin Groats and well done for holding it together despite your nervousness. Learn and grow.

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