Introduce Yourself : Author by Slt Armstrong


Hi, hope that you are well?

My name is Sean Armstrong I am a disabled/autistic author who is currently looking for representation for my book series The Green Girl which is a science fiction/superhero series aimed at YA readers.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Great to have you here Sit!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Slt Armstrong. I really like the title of your book series! You could also make a post in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge, asking for advice on how to get a manager and agent (

Slt Armstrong

Thank you Maurice currently I am try to get funding for the editoral of my series also as well as this I have had 25 rejections from agents however this isn't going to stop me

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. That's a great attitude to have!

You might wanna check out these resources:

Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge:

Financing Blogs:

Financing Education:

Hope you get a rep and funding!

Slt Armstrong

So do I myself I have already set up a gofundme page but unfortunately I have had only two donations

Maurice Vaughan

I checked out your campaign, Slt Armstrong. Great picture of the green women. I think you need to polish your campaign page so you'll get more donations. Here are some suggestions:

#1) Add a logline to your campaign page so people will know what your book series is about.

#2) Add more visuals that tie into your book series.

#3) Add a short video (a video of you talking about your campaign or a proof-of-concept video/book series trailer) if you're able to.

Maurice Vaughan

Also, I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator, Slt Armstrong. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it’s promotion. Promotion can go in the Your Stage Lounge and on Your Wall.

You can post your promotion in one of the main Lounges (Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge, Screenwriting Lounge, Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, etc.) if your post starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational to the community.

Example: If you post about your crowdfunding campaign in the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge, within that post you could start a discussion about your experience running a campaign, give a tip on running a campaign, etc. This doesn’t have to be long, just something that starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational.

You can also post your promotion in one of the main Lounges if you're asking for feedback.

You could also make a post in the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge, asking for advice on how to set up your campaign page so you'll get more donations.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you and also sorry can I get your opinion of this please?

Slt Armstrong

Please can anyone help me?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. Did you see my suggestions for your campaign page in the comment?

Slt Armstrong

I did yes and made the changes thank you

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. Ok, I'll take another look at your campaign page.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you Maurice

Maurice Vaughan

I like the additions, Slt Armstrong. I think they'll help you get more donations.

Maybe add one or two more visuals if you have them. And maybe add a page from your book. Just suggestions.

I think you still need a logline. Maybe put your logline after the first paragraph on your campaign page. Here’s a logline template that might come in handy:

After/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ _______ (an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality and the main character’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes).

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ _______ (an adjective that describes the main character’s personality and the protagonist’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes) after/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong.

Slt Armstrong

Could I maybe include the main points from my proposal as that contains information on my book series

Maurice Vaughan

Sure, Slt Armstrong.

Slt Armstrong

Please let me know what you think of this?

Slt Armstrong

Do you think that this might help?

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, I think that helps, Slt Armstrong. Your page looks a lot better. I have a few suggestions:

#1) Add a logline for your book series. Some people might not have time to read the main points from your proposal.

#2) Remove the extra space after "The Green Girl and The Serum."

#3) Remove the extra space before the second paragraph ("The Green Girl Destiny is a Young Adult Science Fiction book which is the second book in my Green Girl series. It follows the story of three generations of a family cursed by a genetic code which has given them superhuman abilities and powers.").

#4) Move the artwork (the green woman with blonde hair). Right now, it breaks up the sentence "If you can please donate to me?"

Slt Armstrong

I will thank you

Slt Armstrong

With the Logline where can I find that?

Slt Armstrong

I just hope that people donate to this

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. Here’s a logline template that can help you write a logline for your book series:

After/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ _______ (an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality and the main character’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes).

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ _______ (an adjective that describes the main character’s personality and the protagonist’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes) after/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).

Also, there's still an extra space before the second paragraph on your campaign page ("The Green Girl Destiny is a Young Adult Science Fiction book which is the second book in my Green Girl series. It follows the story of three generations of a family cursed by a genetic code which has given them superhuman abilities and powers.").

Slt Armstrong

Where would I need to place this? Also do you think that people will donate to this?

Maurice Vaughan

I suggest placing your logline after the paragraph that starts with "My name is Sean Armstrong I am the writer and author of the Green Girl and the serum," Slt Armstrong.

Slt Armstrong

Do you think that people will donate to this?

Slt Armstrong

It's a dream of mine

Maurice Vaughan

I think with that catchy title, what your book series is about, and the changes you made to your campaign page, people will donate, Slt Armstrong.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you please can you let me know what you think of this?

Stephen Folker

Slt Armstrong welcome! Regarding your GoFundMe page, you need a better cover image. One that pops and has some catchy artwork / title on it, etc. Also, a pitch video goes a long way. Regarding your fund raise, is your publisher wanting you to pay them to edit your book?

Slt Armstrong

Hi Stephen hope that you are well? As for a publisher I haven't yet found one as of yet

Rutger Oosterhoff

Hi Sit,

After working on things mentioned, maybe this link to publishers helps:

Don't shoot your arrows yet, first create the best presentation possible.

Good luck. Rutger

Maurice Vaughan

I took another look at your page, Slt Armstrong. I like the new cover image more, but I agree with Stephen Folker that you need a better cover image that pops and has some catchy artwork/title on it.

I think your logline needs some work. Something like: "After getting injected with a serum that turns her into a green-skinned superweapon, a _______ (the key adjective that describes her personality) woman fights to stop another Mega Human from creating an army with the serum and taking control of the world."

I also noticed spacing issues in your Book Summary section. There are some paragraphs that have too many spaces in between them, and there are some paragraphs that don't have any spaces in between them.

And I suggest putting "If you can please donate to me" on one line.

Slt Armstrong

What do you suggest?

Maurice Vaughan

You could make a poster with to use as your cover image, Slt Armstrong. Or you could hire someone to make a poster. There are a lot of talented designers on Stage 32. You could post an ad on the Job Board (

Your logline is better. Two suggestions for your logline though:

#1) Add a comma after "superheroine" so the person reading your logline doesn't get winded.

#2) I think "battles another superhuman faction from taking control of the serum in order to build an army" needs a better structure. What you have right now doesn't mention the stakes (taking control of the world).

The first two paragraphs in the Book Summary section are jumbled together. I suggest adding a paragraph break before "After a long battle with the military..."

I suggest adding paragraph breaks in the Series Summary section.

Sam Rivera

Hi Slt Armstrong it's great to e-meet you and thank you for sharing your journey! If you're interested, I recommend checking out the Authoring lounge for more about publishing! Check out here>>

Maurice Vaughan

I like that you added "Will she be able to defeat this faction and regain her lost humanity? Find out in the Green Girl Destiny," Slt Armstrong. I think that's gonna get more people interested in your campaign.

I still think "battles another superhuman faction from taking control of the serum in order to build an army" needs a better structure. Maybe something like: "battles to stop a superhuman faction from taking control of the serum to build an army and rule the world."

Slt Armstrong

OK I'll update that

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Slt Armstrong. I think the paragraphs in the Series Summary section need spaces between them. Other than that and the last part of the logline, I think you're ready to go. Others on here might have more suggestions.

Slt Armstrong

How much space?

Maurice Vaughan

The spacing in the Series Summary is fine now, Slt Armstrong.

I think "battles another superhuman faction from taking control" sounds off.

Slt Armstrong

What do you recommend me changing that to?

Maurice Vaughan

One of these, Slt Armstrong:

"fights to stop a superhuman faction from taking control of the serum to build an army and rule the world."

"battles to keep a superhuman faction from taking control of the serum to build an army and rule the world."

Slt Armstrong

Thank you let me know what you think of this?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. I noticed an extra period after "rule the world."

Slt Armstrong

Does this need changing?

Maurice Vaughan

I think so, Slt Armstrong. Just the period.

Slt Armstrong

Please let me know if there are any other changes that I need to make?

Maurice Vaughan

I don't have any more suggestions, Slt Armstrong. Your page looks better.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you so am I good to go?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. There is one more thing. Read Stephen Folker's suggestion again about a better cover image.

Maurice Vaughan

I think you need an actual poster with the details that Stephen Folker mentioned, Slt Armstrong. If you’re not able to get a poster made, you could use one of your other pictures for the cover image.

Slt Armstrong

Any suggestions as I don't think that I will be able to get a poster made for this?

Slt Armstrong
Maurice Vaughan

I don’t have Facebook, so it won’t let me enlarge all of the pictures, Slt Armstrong, but one of them should work.

Slt Armstrong

Maurice Vaughan

That's a nice picture, Slt Armstrong, but I don’t think it represents your series well. From your logline and the book summary, it sounds like your series is a Sci-Fi Action story. I suggest using a picture that looks like Sci-Fi Action.

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, that picture looks like Sci-Fi Action, Slt Armstrong.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you what happens now?

Maurice Vaughan

Two more things, Slt Armstrong:

#1) Add a paragraph break between the first two paragraphs in the Series Summary section.

#2) I think it'd help if you added a few more pictures to the page.

Slt Armstrong

Which pieces of artwork?

Maurice Vaughan

The pictures that look like Sci-Fi Action, Slt Armstrong.

Maurice Vaughan

Looks better, Slt Armstrong. I suggest putting your video before the pictures.

Slt Armstrong

Ok is this video OK?

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, I think the video is fine, Slt Armstrong.

Maurice Vaughan

You asked me "what happens now?," Slt Armstrong. After you're satisfied with your campaign page, promotion it in the Your Stage Lounge ( and on Your Wall here on Stage 32. And promote it on Twitter. I'll repost your campaign on Twitter.

Slt Armstrong

Yes I am happy with this now

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds great, Slt Armstrong. I'll try to donate when I'm able.

Slt Armstrong

Thank you Maurice

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Slt Armstrong. It's 1:15 here, so I'm gonna get some sleep. Have a great weekend.

Slt Armstrong

you too

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Slt Armstrong.

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