Introduce Yourself : Subject matter & Introduction! by Eon C. Rambally

Eon C. Rambally

Subject matter & Introduction!

It is good to introduce yourself with "subject matter"! A great hello to my fellow stage 32s!

Thoughts & The Mind!

“Caution”! Creating attention here! Learning methods and visuals, for kids! Anyone remember that subject? As opposed to basically, bare literature and sometimes, “authoritative measures” of long ago, when visuals were applied over the years, it boosted learning capacity in children “significantly”! Certainly careful attention will have to be paid to the subject of “stimulation”, by “visuals”, generally! Along with attached subjects! It's application to film became "subject matter"! Fascinating?  We have the ability anyhow!

Sherri ZImmerman

So interesting...Yes!! I can't imagine having to learn in early age without visuals in literature books, however my imagination was so grand, it DID allow for those that did not have visuals, my own perception and concept of what the image would be as a visual instead of another's... LOL. Either way, I was covered!

But as a child, absolutely loved seeing the illustrations etc... Great Thoughts & The Mind subject Eon.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Eon C. Rambally. Do you mean like the show "Blue's Clues," other Nick Jr. shows, and PBS shows?

Eon C. Rambally

Sherri ZImmerman, excellent comments! I'll say this! Those of us of who HAVE, the visuals, concepts, visions and dreams, is known, should not just keep it to ourselves! Look how much it has benefited us! We share to others, so that they can benefit also! The universe and Divinity, has equipped us as "Creatives"! "Ain't that somethin"!

Eon C. Rambally

Maurice Vaughan, excellent concepts to work with! ""Q". New content", is it good for them? The question is always asked! If so a film should be made on it! Of course our audiences will have to "see", that first. Hence the ideas of general concepts, merging together, for one master production.... and ongoing afterwards. Again fascinating? New concepts!!

Sherri ZImmerman

Do feel sometimes, not just as a mother (& grandmother)...but as a liberator of the mind & Spirit.

..."children of past days" (prior to 2000-2001)... seem to be trained by the critical eye of the proposed curriculum given, the rules of how to "correctly create".. therefore stifled somewhat in free flow thinking, to draw, paint, design.... uniquely.

Maybe that's how writers block came about? Hmm....Lol

I witnessed my children in some early grade schools... those still desiring to put their minds in boxes ..

I believe classes NEED to be run by children with teachers & parents in the back of the class...

The children ought to be taught that they hold the power of what is the BEST concepts these days?

It IS the children who can revolutionize our world in a very short time, in a heartbeat!!

They just ARRIVED into the Earth

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Sherri ZImmerman

There were few highly successful men who came into my barbershop and only had a THIRD grade education!

Sherri ZImmerman

Children JUST ARRIVED into the Earth plane directly from Spirit... And could teach us so much our heads would spin!!

Sherri ZImmerman

It IS the children who can revolutionize our world in a very short time, in a heartbeat!!

Sherri ZImmerman

Okay Eon. I called video twice now. Not sure if I'm doing it right! You might need to call me!

Pat Alexander

Visuals are always key! Readers need visuals to help shape the images the writing describes in our minds!

Eon C. Rambally

Pat Alexander, you're welcome! And of course the other comments. We tend to forget, visuals are what has helped us from the day, as an infant, we opened our eyes! We saw our parents smiles and began learning about the world around us. Get "the descriptions" of "those visuals" wrong however (influence etc.,) then the results are negative. Fascinating, we are reminded, the world of film and entertainment!

Eon C. Rambally

Sherri ZImmerman, perspectives and context! I admire the use of those aspects of your comments! "I believe classes NEED to be run by children with teachers & parents in the back of the class..." .Together with supporting comments are part of ongoing subjects in prominent discussions internationally, for some time! Glad you brought the topics forward! References however, I've misplaced over the years, therefore again glad you have brought the topics forward!

Sam Sokolow

And Picasso always said that he could access his childhood mind when painting - it is a pure visually creative state.

Eon C. Rambally

Channeling our innocent perspective or "pure energy"! New perspective to the term energy? Sam Sokolow, again thankful for your input in conversations. You have proven the subject has been around for a considerable time! How much of it has been absorbed by humanity, is the question! Thankful also for the films that promote the subject, to which one of the famous names "Picasso", has made a place. As also a fine artiste myself (Oils & Acrylics on canvases) I can identify with this energy. The power of "The Mind & Creativity"!

Sherri ZImmerman

So on target Sam!! That is where all the "GREATS" come from!! Pure energy... To usher in to those on Earth to manifest what's needed at that time in evolution. GREAT MUSIC, GREAT ART, GREAT CONCEPTS, like the documentary film The Need To Grow!! I'll be supporting that with ALL I've got and far after my last breath taken .IT Will be part of my legacy.

Sherri ZImmerman

Eon... You paint too!! So do I... Lol. One large painting I did back in 2016, is of Mother Mary... But when I began to paint (had little experience at that time)... I remember standing in front of the very large canvas... on floor and thinking what to paint... And I heard a voice of someone other than me, I believe now it was a voice is someone across the veil... And I heard, that an "Angel" would be in the painting...and I thought hmm.. interesting to hear that suddenly just before stating to paint... And also heard, there are no mistakes in painting (that was my fear)... So I began to put brush to canvas and all I remember was I had light green paint I dipped into, began to paint . but then I completely BLACKED OUT. Now I don't drink... Rarely. So when I quote "CAME TO" finishing a small few brush strokes at the bottom of large canvas... I was shocked to see this beautiful painting... That I know to be my Mother Mary and yes! Behind her was a Large angel standing whose Large wings wrapped around slightly ~ her Holiness...

It's my most greatest treasures...

It is one of the most relaxing and interesting hobbies I have cone to enjoy... so cool, you paint too!! I think we should open a art gallery? Free o f charge always and maybe give away prizes of ALOT of fun things! for the thoughts on the paintings of what they "see" for the world in our paintings... Okay I'm in.. Lol

Eon C. Rambally

Sherri, excellent concept for a painting, will like to see it! The skill, together with in-house techniques gives me the adequate leverage for Graphics and then of course Motion graphics and Animations. I highlight some of the texture in my work! It's been some time since I have painted on canvases. I plan to start again, it brings out a better texture I need for future projects!

An Art gallery certainly works well, with the statistics mentioned and one of my intentions, together with activities. You're most welcome!

Paintings sometimes are hard to let go and therefore treasured. Lots of artiste can verify this! That's why basically, it is considered, there are no mistakes in art and considered all part of evolution, and sentiments, towards a concept! Fascinating!

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