Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina! by Daniel Velasco Cajias

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Hello everyone, my name is Daniel Velasco Cajias, I'm a Bolivian screenwriter living in Buenos Aires.

I love storytelling, I love movies, I love TV shows. It would be hard for me to tell you which are my favorite movies or shows, because there a too many of them, but I can tell you that as a writer I try to achieve the emotions found throughout the Lord Of the Rings trilogy and weave mysteries as in Lost. Both those projects made me want to become a screenwriter.

I'd love to connect with you all, and hopefully, in the not so distant future, join a crew to create something together!

All the best!

Maurice Vaughan

It's hard for me to pick a favorite movie and show too, Daniel Velasco Cajias. What movie or show have you watched lately?

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan agreed, Maurice. I'd probably have to pick one from each decade of the 20th Century. Probably starting in the 1920s, but then there are so many German Expressionist films to choose from. Oh my, what a conundrum.

Geoff Hall

Daniel Velasco Cajias Hi Daniel, how is life in Buenos Aires? Welcome to Stage32's IYW. What genre do you like writing in the most?

Maurice Vaughan

I just searched for German Expressionist films and "Metropolis" came up Geoff Hall. I've wanted to see that movie.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Daniel Velasco Cajias - it's terrific to meet you on this IYW! Lord Of The Rings and Lost are both awesome - epic and character-driven. Have you seen anything recently that you really liked?

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Hi all! To answer both Sam and Maurice, I've just recently gone through a "space" phase, and I've watched The Expanse and For All Mankind, great shows both of them. Also I got sucked into the Fallout hype, not knowing anything about the lore of the world previously, and I loved it. It has a deep underline that is scary and crazy tangible for a "video-game" world. I'm also deep into The Marvelous Miss Maisel...amazing, as anything written by the Palladino's a masterclass in writing dialogue. And a movie...I have to say Society of the Snow. Watching a story so well known for us here in South America, depicted with such honesty, such a visceral, painful was simply overwhelming. Beautiful film.

Maurice Vaughan

"Fallout" is on my watchlist, Daniel Velasco Cajias. I know some of the lore because I've watched gameplay walkthroughs. Excited to check it out.

Daniel Velasco Cajias

And Geoff, first of all thank you for the welcome! And yes, definitely, Metropolis, M, many great films. On that vein, I recently re watched Double Indemnity, another damn good movie. As of now (well, as usual) Argentina is in a state of flux and uncertainty, especially regarding filmmaking.

As a writer, I veer towards fantasy, sci-fi and mysteries. I love those broad genres ability to house many subgenres on its telling. I do write other stuff, except maybe pure comedy, because I find it really, really hard. Humour is a tricky bastard! hehehehe.

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Maurice Vaughan it is definitely worth checking out! It took me a bit by surprise, I wasn't expecting that tone!

Dustin Richardson

Great to meet you, Daniel Velasco Cajias!

L. Tom Deaver

Nice to meet you Daniel.

Christian Seaborn

you picked good films to be inspired by

Nick Phillips

hi Daniel Velasco Cajias! Welcome! I have the same problem as you in terms of trying to pick my favorites. There are just too many to choose from, it's too difficult! But you have a good foundation in taking inspiration from LOTR and Lost!

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Nice to meet you all!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you too, Daniel Velasco Cajias.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Daniel Velasco Cajias! Welcome back! I also LOVE Lost and LOTR!

The best way to network here on Stage 32, is to be more involved and active within the lounges on a regular basis. That’s the best way to be seen and noticed. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time.

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Pat Alexander

Hey Daniel, great to meet you! What'd you think of the new Ring of Power series last year?

Emily J

Hi Daniel Velasco Cajias! Thanks for sharing! Have you started getting feedback on your scripts yet here on Stage 32?

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Hi Emily J not yet! But I have posted a few loglines to begin with! It's a bit tricky to share my finished scripts because they are written in Spanish. I'm working on some English spoken stories, but I develop them slower because I need to prioritize my local work. Here I can share them on industry markets and so on. Hopefully I'll be ready to share some English work soon!

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Hi Ashley! Thanks for the welcome and the advice! I've vowed to myself to be more involved, and to network more!

Daniel Velasco Cajias

Hi Pat! I've got to be completely honest with you. I didn't feel the Rings of Power series. I haven't finished it yet. I found myself disattached from Galadriel and the rest of the characters. It is a beautifully crafted show, but I don't know. I will catch up with it before season 2 is released.

Ashley Renee Smith

That's a great goal, Daniel Velasco Cajias!

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