Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone! by Andy Yang

Andy Yang

Hello Everyone!

Hey Everyone! I'm an aspiring TV Staff Writer living in Austin, Texas previously from Big Tech and indie filmmaking background here in Austin. I'm looking to connect with other Writers, Managers, and Producers here on Stage32. I currently have one TV Drama pilot that placed in Chicago Screenplay Awards, BlueCat Screenplay Competition, and recently the Big Apple Screenplay Awards (Honorable Mention), and I'm currently working on developing concepts for my second TV Drama pilot.

My goal is to write for an IP-based show in Superhero, Fantasy, Sci-Fi genres or develop my own project in that space. Would love to connect! Thanks

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the placements and Honorable Mention, Andy Yang! How's your pilot coming along?

Antuan Martínez


Emily J

Hi Andy Yang! Congrats on all the success you've had so far! Have you checked out the contests on Stage 32? >>

Pat Alexander

Hey Andy, nice to meet you! What are some sci-fi shows that inspire your writing?

Omid Pourazar

You are on your way, pal. Keep it up, Andy Yang

Nick Phillips

Hi Andy Yang! I love Austin, such a great city! What are your thoughts on the current state of the superhero genre?

Asmaa Jamil

Welcome and you are in the right place.

Grace Antonina Balistreri

Ciao Andy piacere di conoscerti, è congratulazioni per il tuo successo.

Anche io come te voglio scrivere il genere Fantasy, supereroi e anche supernaturale vorrei sapere i tuoi pareri su questo genere.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Andy Yang! We're so excited to have you here!

The best way to network here on Stage 32, is to be more involved and active within the lounges on a regular basis. That’s the best way to be seen and noticed. The most effective networking comes from building genuine relationships over time.

Be sure to check out this great blog about all the ways you can make the most out of your time here on Stage 32, following Introduce Yourself Weekend:

Niki H

Hi Andy Yang , thanks for being part of the Stage 32 community! The Austin film community is great. Be sure to go to the screenwriting lounge for connect with your fellow writers -

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