Introduce Yourself : Happy to meet you all at IYW! by Sandra Isabel Correia

Sandra Isabel Correia

Happy to meet you all at IYW!

Hey IYW, my name is Sandra, and I'm a screenwriter from Lisbon, Portugal.

I've been a Stage 32 member since November, yet it feels like I've been here all my life.

I wrote my first feature-length screenplay. Now I'm polishing, pitching, and creating the Pitch Deck.

I am a businesswoman, and my skills are a big support on this new path.

In this IYW, I'd like to reveal, for the first time, the poster for my feature, created by a designer, and I'd love to hear your feedback. Remember that I am new to this industry :)

What is Meant for You will Always find You. It's the title of my feature screenplay, which aims to increase awareness of humanity, especially to women.

It’s a feature film that aims to explore love beyond the physical realm and the courage it takes to embrace one’s true self. Logline: Two spirits attempt to rekindle their cosmic romance on Earth by reincarnating as a pair of women, but find their newfound terrestrial fears and beliefs are an obstacle to their relationship.

Thank you, Stage 32, for everything you're doing to support and empower me.

Anything you need from me, I am here :)

Dreams come true:)

Maurice Vaughan

Happy IYW, Sandra Isabel Correia! How's your weekend going?

Sam Sokolow

It's great to meet you, Sandra Isabel Correia. Happy IYW! Your poster looks great.

I don't know enough about the story to comment on the dynamics of the poster but the marketing people I know have told me that a poster should tell the story in some way if possible. The top half indicates that these two end up together in a relationship of some sort so if they come from different worlds and it's an unexpected dynamic then perhaps the lower half can show them further apart or in different styles. I don't know enough so don't take that literally but it's more of a concept that may spark some thoughts on posters in general.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Happy IYW Maurice Vaughan :)) I have been working but now it’s night here, so time to relax and watch a tv show :) Hope you are having a pleasant weekend :)

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi, Sam Sokolow :) Happy IYW, and nice to meet you! Thank you for providing feedback; I appreciate it! Yes, you are correct; the plot is metaphysical, with the characters interacting in the upper half and being separated and unknown in the lower half. We employed AI, but it is not perfect. We tried to do so. Thank you for your feedback, you are reading well :) I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm having a pleasant weekend, Sandra Isabel Correia. I'm resting right now before I get back on the computer. Have a great relaxation and night!

John Michael German


Lovely idea. Fantastic design cover. Very warm, welcoming, and presenting the depth of that beyond flame of love.

Thankful for your roads.

God Bless,

John German

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan you too my friend :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you John Michael German :) I am happy you like and your blessing, thank you :)) God bless you also on every path you take!

Thank you!

Maurice Vaughan
Maria Caeiro

Sandra, I love it. We can feel love in every detail. It´s also very creative as shows us the spiritual and physical worlds where the action takes place. Great work. What a courageous woman you are! May all the blessings be with you..

Maria Caeiro

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you sweet Maria Caeiro and I am really happy you like it! We are brave people :)) thank youuuu

Debbie Elicksen

Sandra Isabel Correia Great to meet you. The poster is great. BTW, I have friends that recently packed up everything they owned into a few suitcases and moved to Lisbon, where they are having the time of their life.

Antuan Martínez

Thanks for sharing that good motivation and good vibes.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Debbie Elicksen Happy to meet you also! Indeed, Lisbon today has a huge number of foreign residents as your friends. Our country and people are quite hospitable. I hope they enjoy it! Please let me know if they need anything. I live in Lisbon.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Antuan Martínez :) Always the good energy :) Thankss for your comment!

Amanda Toney

Hi Sandra :) Hope you’re doing well! Your poster looks great!

Geoff Hall

Hello, Sandra Isabel Correia it’s great to see you on the IYW.

Robert James Atton

Poster looks great

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Amanda Toney You look always amazing, I love your energy :)) Happy you liked it! Step by step! Happy IYW and thank you for all of your support!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Robert James Atton Happy you liked it!

Sandra Isabel Correia

My good friend Geoff Hall happy to see you here also :))

Suzanne Bronson

Welcome Sandra Isabel Correia So glad you're here and your film sounds intriguing. Can't wait to see it!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you sweet Suzanne Bronson my pleasure and happy my film sounds intriguing:)) Happy IYW for you :)

Nick Phillips

Hello Sandra Isabel Correia! The poster looks great, and the script/story sounds like an interesting balance of romance/heart and the exploration of important topics that matter in our world.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Nick Phillips welcome to my IYW :) Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you value my poster. Yes, it is my motto: Why Now! It's my "way" of raising awareness and inspiring us to never give up! Thank you.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, Sandra Isabel Correia! We're so lucky to have you as a part of this community. You always put a smile on my face. =)

Sandra Isabel Correia

You are so sweet Ashley Renee Smith I am the lucky one also :)) Yes, of course! Thank you for answering my IYW! Both of us have a big smile :)) Have a wonderful week ahead my sweet friend!

Niki H

Hi Sandra, it's so great to have you in the Stage 32 community! Happy IYW. I really like the premise of this story. Tackling love and relationships in more than one way is so true to real life.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Niki H I am delighted to have you at my IYW. Thank you for that! Yes, it is my Why Me, Why Now. Real life is as diverse as love, and it is essential for us to grow and evolve into our full potential. Thank you. Have a great week.

Toni Peres

A capa está muito boa! Muitos parabéns Sandra e espero ouvir novidades brevemente! Tudo a correr bem e muito sucesso! ;)

Sandra Isabel Correia

Obrigada Toni Peres :) Que bom e a tua opinião é importante para mim! Estaremos em contacto:) Um beijinho e obrigada.

Pamela Jaye Smith

I really like the premise of your story, Sandra. Wishing you all good fortune with your project. Please do let us know how it goes.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Oh Pamela Jaye Smith you are so sweet! Thank you for your words, they inspire me:)) I will! Thank youuu

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