Screenwriting : Screenwriting by Hugh Potter

Hugh Potter


It is interesting how much a screenplay can change with time. We first wrote Chinook back in 2000, and in the spring of 2001, we were greenlit for eleven million and were doing rewrites for free, free can you believe it? On September 11 of that year, everything changed. There was interest here and there over the years but nothing serious. My old friend Ed Asner even tried helping, what a great guy. But that is another story. I met with Gary Farmer through a mutual acquaintance, and after reading the script, he liked it and the part of Suzanne's uncle Earl. Time went by, and we moved on and put Chinook's screenplay on the shelf. After a while, I reached out to the Chinook Indian Nation and had a couple of very positive interactions with them. I hope someday, with the right producer and the right time, the screenplay Chinook will be Chinook the film. Thanks for reading, and remember, you only fail if you quit. Stay creative my friends.

Maurice Vaughan

It is interesting how much a screenplay can change with time, Hugh Potter. I wrote a feature script wayyy back, then like two years ago I rewrote it. I changed some things, and the script was better. The script still needs some rewrites. Some of the tech in the script is outdated, but I could update them easily.

Kiril Maksimoski

Side effect of this biz...projects known to be pending for 20-30+ years, still got made eventually...nothing's over until the lights go out in a movie theater...

Dan MaxXx

Actor Kevin Costner told Writer-Director John Hancock he would do his movie but he wanted to age naturally for the character role. He told Hancock to wait 12-15 years. And costner kept his promise, did the movie.

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