Introduce Yourself : Unproduced Screenwriter by Jason Peralta

Jason Peralta

Unproduced Screenwriter

Hello. Good afternoon. Glad to meet you. Been on this journey for over 8 years. I have 2 written features and a few short scripts. My goal is to be a feature film writer and to have my written projects made. The genres I write are Horror and Science Fiction. Looking to network so it can help my dream become a reality. I also write motivational blogs once a month through my website. I hope it becomes very popular. So far I've got 82 Subscribers. Cheers!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jason Peralta. Nice to meet you. I write Horror and Sci-Fi too. I mix the two genres sometimes.

Have you checked out these blogs on networking:

Jason Peralta

No, but I did see a YouTube video on the CEO of Stage 32 giving helpful tips on how to use this website.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Jason Peralta. Yeah, that's RB ( You'll run into him often on here.

Preston Poulter

Rock on!

Sam Rivera

Hi @Jason! Welcome to Stage 32, have checked out the screenwriting lounge>>

Marcel Nault Jr.

Hello Jason! Welcome aboard.

I'm currently working on a dramatic thriller pilot script for a TV series. It has some "horror" elements in it, but more of the psychological and religious type. It might interest you.

Jessie Spillman

Welcome :)

Jason Peralta

Thanks, I appreciate it

Phil Clarke

Happy to network and chat about the craft, Jason. Feel free to DM me anytime.

Jason Peralta

Absolutely, I'm always open to learn something new. I want to continue to grow as a writer until I'm able to write compelling stories.

Pat Alexander

Hey Jason, what are your favorite aspects of horror films?

Jason Peralta

When it's the unknown, something is out there but the audience doesn't know what it is. Also when you portray your biggest fears onto the page, it makes it that more personal. Somebody could always relate. I also like ambiguous endings where the audience has to decide what the ending was.

Geoff Hall

Hey there, Jason Peralta welcome to the IYW.

Jason Peralta

Thanks, I appreciate everyone's support. Blessings and I only wish everyone here much success.

Bill McCormick

Greetings from a fellow sci-fi author.

Jason Peralta

Greetings to you too and congratulations on your success

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