Looking for documentary film producers who would be willing to read my pitch for my true biography of the Mother of Physical Therapy: Mary McMillan. The book is on Amazon and my pitch deck is available on request. The true story of the first Physical Therapist who was in 2 World Wars. She became the first Physical Therapist in the US Army and in the US assigned by the Surgeon General. She went on to be the founder of the first Physical Therapy organization for teaching new PT's to rehabilitate the wounded after WW1. The American Physical Therapy Association celebrated the 100th anniversary in 2021 and officially called Mary McMillan mother of Physical Therapy. She went on to China for the Rockefeller Foundation to teach new doctors and nurses in China medical schools. Upon leaving in 1941, she was captured in route to the US in Manila during the surprise total bombing of the city one day after Pearl Harbor. She was then interred in a POW camp for Americans and others trying to make their way to US before the war. Four years later, she was repatriated to the US after a long illness in the camps. A dramatic story and diary of a POW for yet another unsung hero in the true saga of one who saved many lives, traveled far and wide, and was a visionary in the medical field worldwide.
Hi, Mary E Farrell. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge.
The Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge isn't the place to find producers for projects. The Lounge is a place to discuss crowdfunding strategies, share content about crowdfunding and financing, and offer tips/advice on raising funds for projects.
You could search for producers and documentary filmmakers in the Browse Members Section (www.stage32.com/people).
Let me know if you have any questions.