Introduce Yourself : How Are You All by Jim Newton

Jim Newton

How Are You All

I am doing okay. I have been developing new webinars and placing my writing on hold. I even started a Kickstarter to write and publish a book of reflections, inspirations, and photos I intended to take while walking the Camino de Santiago. However, I guess it's not time yet. I have no investors with a week left. I'll try it again next year.

Maurice Vaughan

Glad to hear you're doing ok, Jim Newton. I'm doing fine.

There are posts in the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge with advice on running a successful crowdfunding campaign ( You might have to search the Lounge to find the posts.

Pat Savage

Good to hear you're doing okay, Jim Newton I'm doing fine myself. Follow Maurice Vaughan instructions to set up a proper crowdfunding campaign!

Geoff Hall

Jim Newton it’s good to see you on the IYW, Jim. I have a Canadian friend who has walked the Camino a number of times. She’s always buzzed about it. I’m not sure my knees would take the pounding of all those mile! How did the Kickstarter campaign go?

Richard "RB" Botto

Always great to see your smiling face here, Jim Newton. Love the new projects!

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