Producing : Hello Stage 32 community by Drakos Nox

Drakos Nox

Hello Stage 32 community

I'm curious about budgeting for a genre film with international locations and creature effects. My script involves a mix of urban, rural, and exotic settings. What are some key factors to consider when estimating the budget for a project like this? Any tips on how to approach budgeting for independent films with ambitious concepts?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Drakos Nox. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Producing Lounge because your post is a better fit for the Producing Lounge and the Introduce Yourself Lounge is for introducing (and reintroducing) yourself to the community. Let me know if you have any questions.

Drakos Nox

Thank you I'm still new to this

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Drakos Nox. Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 ( And if you ever have any questions about the platform, let me or another Lounge Moderator know (we have badges on our profile pictures), or you can email

Jason Mirch

Hey Drakos Nox - glad to be connected here. Budgeting is an art as much as it is a science. My advice is to connect with a really strong Line Producer who can help you put together a budget after breaking down the script into its major elements. It is a labor intensive process but there are tools that help. Feel free to reach out to me at and I can recommend some producers who put together budgets for features.

Jack Binder

Hi Drakos, Couldn't agree with Jason Mirch more which is why I founded to breakdown & calculate film budget & schedule docs for fellow filmmakers. As an on-the-lot producer, line producer, & DGA UPM, at Disney, Columbia Pictures, HBO, etc. for many years I was often asked the same question. Feel free to reach out.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Drakos Nox - there are so many variables that a seasoned Line Producer will know to factor in but two things on a project like yours (from what you shared) is logistics and meals. How are you moving people and gear around - how can that be done efficiently and safely - and how are you feeding your crew? I highly recommend this Stage 32 class on creating budgets for films that cost between $700K - $2M. It's a fabulous resource. Here's a link so you can check it out:

Pamela Jaye Smith

Good luck, Drakos. Hope you find the perfect person for this project. And best on all your creative works.

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