Introduce Yourself : A little Dab'll do ya... by Doug Kayne

Doug Kayne

A little Dab'll do ya...

Hey, everyone! Another Introduce Yourself Weekend brings another Guess-The-Theme Challenge from me! Anywhere from 9 TO 5 points to whoever can guess it without Googling... It's TAKEN me a while to get this one constructed...

My name is Doug Kayne, and I'm a comedian, writer, actor, and all-around smart-ass. I'm a member of the improvisational sketch comedy group Those Four Misfits ( Our next show is Friday, June 14 at the Whitmore-Lindley Theater in North Hollywood. (Even though we're a trio, that numbering stays. It's a HARD FOUR.)

I've been fortunate to work onstage in plays, web series, short films. and a bunch of other ventures. My very first screenplay, Romantic Comedy 101, was made into a made-for-TV movie which aired in 2002 (DIRECTED BY Peter DeLuise).

Currently, my writing partner and I have a sci-fi comedy series, Going Commander, ready to pitch! I think we're definitely ready FOR THE PEOPLE to be able to watch this show. Plus, I have a few other ideas bouncing around in my brain. As far as trying to make it in this biz, definitely not GIVING IT UP.

I look forward to working with all sorts of cool, creative people both now and in the future. NEVER FORGET, feel free to reach out! Hopefully that doesn't violate any regulations, unless RULES DON'T APPLY to this...

Oh...I'm also a fan of playing cards. Poker, Blackjack, WAR -- GAMES that involve cards are a lot of fun! Not much of a sports fan, though I have watched the BUFFALO BILLs play before.

Doug Kayne

Hint Count: 10

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Doug Kayne. I don't know what the theme is. I thought it was Liam Neeson when I saw TAKEN, but I doubt that’s right.

Doug Kayne

Definitely not Liam Neeson, Maurice Vaughan. Try again!

Maurice Vaughan

I have no idea what to guess, Doug Kayne. Haha Congratulations to you and your writing partner (I think it's Jane) on getting "Going Commander" ready to pitch!

Doug Kayne

Thanks, Maurice Vaughan! Very much want to see (and if I'm lucky, be in) Going Commander on the small screen.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Doug Kayne.

Nick Phillips

I'm stumped Doug Kayne!

Doug Kayne

There’s an additional hint in the title, Nick Phillips. Though, I may have made this one a little harder than I intended…

Nick Phillips

Oh it's about the late great Dabney Coleman Doug Kayne! Nice work! You took a very CLOAK AND DAGGER approach, while I was looking at it from a more narrow 9 TO 5 type prism. If I hadn't guessed that, it would've been a TOWERING INFERNO of embarrassment for me!

Doug Kayne

Good job, Nick Phillips! Hope this challenge wasn’t too much of a pain in the TOOTSIE.

Nick Phillips

Haha quite the contrary Doug Kayne, I now feel a sense of calm after guessing it, as if I'm ON GOLDEN POND. (this could go on all day)

Doug Kayne

It really could, Nick Phillips. I’d say it would be against the Stage 32 guidelines, but I’m thinking the RULES DON’T APPLY in this case.

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