Screenwriting : Pitch Deck and Treatment by T.L. Davis

T.L. Davis

Pitch Deck and Treatment

Okay, I've been around a while and I've been asked for a Logline and a Synopsis a million times, but just recently I was asked, by a big production company for a Pitch Deck and a Treatment. I hadn't been asked for a treatment for twenty years. Can someone tell my why they would ask for a Pitch Deck and a Treatment? What are they looking to receive? I have a treatment of a couple of my screenplays and I have a pitch deck of a series I have available. But, I am confused why they would want a pitch deck for a feature. Any help would be appreciated.

Maurice Vaughan

It's becoming more and more common, T.L. Davis. I've seen script leadings where a pitch deck was a must. A producer or director wants to see a treatment and/or a pitch deck so they can learn more about the script (beyond a logline and a synopsis) and so they can decide quickly if the script is right for them or not. I make treatments and pitch decks for my feature scripts in case a producer or director asks for them. I make a series bible and a pitch deck for a TV series.

T.L. Davis

Maurice Vaughan where can I go to get a reliable example of both a pitch deck and a treatment? I need to put this together in a couple of weeks, so I want some time with the format, if I can get it.

Norman Welthagen

T.L. Davis Hey TL. offers templates for Pitch decks

Maurice Vaughan

Here are two websites where you can see pitch deck examples, T.L. Davis (TV and feature):

Here's an article on how to make a pitch deck (it has a pitch deck example): Ken’s pitch deck has information in it that’s helpful to a screenwriter making their pitch deck, but his deck has a different purpose (to get funding for his film), so there are things in it that a screenwriter doesn’t need to use in their deck.

Richard Lamb posted a link to his pitch deck in the Screenwriting Lounge and asked for feedback ( You could see how he formatted his pitch deck.

And here's a great webinar on putting together a pitch deck ( It's taught by Michelle Alexandria. She REALLY knows her stuff about pitch decks. I've worked with her on pitch deck jobs.

You could also do an image search for "movie pitch decks" on Bing (


Here are some treatment examples:

Dan MaxXx

Employers dont wanna work; they want writers to come to the table with a complete package of talent, budget, pitchdecks. Ridiculous time.

T.L. Davis

Thank you Maurice Vaughan you're such a treasure.

T.L. Davis

I agree wholeheartedly Dan

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, T.L. Davis.

Claude Gagne

Yeah! What happens if you go through the whole rigmarole and they say, no thanks?

Maurice Vaughan

T.L. Davis will have the treatment and pitch deck to use when he pitches to other producers and directors, Claude Gagne.

T.L. Davis

Claude Gagne while Maurice is right, this is a project that is more or less waiting for the text than waiting to be discovered. Just having worked in the industry tor a while, when it's that far along, I didn't expect to get a request like this, something I thought the production company's marketing department would do. If it's on spec, I'm used to responding to requests and giving them what they ask for whether I understand it or not. I'm getting the idea that the executives are needing, at least at this company, their hands held. Their in the final stages of negotiations and I'm just doing research into what I will have to provide.

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