could someone please recommend resources for a beginner short film writer. I’m not new to screenwriting, but am to short films. I would like something that covers all the basics, format, structure, number of characters. it could be a book, or webinar, or article, or video, or…
thank you in advance.
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Here's a great on-demand webinar I took a while back, Rick Wheeler: "How To Write A Short Film That Gets You Noticed"
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Look up david Sandberg's Youtube channel, ponysmasher. The guy doesn't bullshit; shows all the skills to do shorts & studio movies.
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I would watch the Pixar short film Kitbull. The story structure is perfect, in just 8 minutes.
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I'd suggest watching the short "9" - Which became the movie "9", the short film of "Saw" used as proof of concept for the feature and "Alive in Joburg", directed by Nil Bloomkamp which was used as proof of conept for "District 9" (and was recreated for the opening 10 minutes of the feature). These are all great demonstrations of concepts distilled into short film versions of the wider themes.