Producing : Ashton Kutcher Getting Dragged for his comments on AI by Jason Mirch

Jason Mirch

Ashton Kutcher Getting Dragged for his comments on AI

Here's a thought about Ashton's comments. For better or worse, he is actually right. AI is here to stay and while it will definitely be disruptive, one must also realize that for many artists and creators it will be helpful. Before you lose it on me, hang on a moment.

Consider the innovation of digital filming and editing software in film and television in the late nineties and really into the early and mid-2000's. Prior to that, making a film was cost-prohibitive for the vast majority of aspiring filmmakers. You would have to get your film processed and developed for an ridiculous cost. You would need an editor who could physically cut on film. The barrier to entry to make a film was huge. And very few people were able to do it.

Digital comes along and what happens? Now, literally every person on this platform can film, edit and release a film for a fraction of the cost and time that it used to take. That innovation was made possible through technological advances. Did film editors and colorists lose their jobs. Of course. Did film processing companies shutter. Absolutely. Did some editors pivot and learn how to cut on Avid, Premiere, Final Cut Pro, etc. For sure.

AI is a tool not a substitute for talent. Ashton is right - the technology could allow for independent and low budget filmmakers to create much bigger worlds and set pieces. AI won't take over the industry. But the people who master AI will become massively successful. But we shouldn't run from it the way chimpanzees run from fire.

Here is the article:

Curious to hear your thoughts!

Maurice Vaughan

I disagree with Ashton Kutcher, Jason Mirch. I don't feel an artist should be endorsing something that could easily replace him. Like my friend Ash Lazer said in the article: "I overhear it at my bar, hedgefund bros & stocks. Departments in my girl’s corporate job. Celebrities like Ashton Kutcher... It’s such an ignorant, shortsighted, selfcentered, shortterm cost vs longterm gain mindset. You’re training it to replace YOU. And your kid’s dreams."

AI is costing people/will cost people their careers during a time when artists and their families are struggling so much. And I feel like screenwriters, producers, directors, actors, etc. don't need AI. We didn't need it before. I think screenwriters, producers, directors, actors, etc. can still be massively successful without using AI. I understand that everyone doesn't share my opinion though.

Mark Deuce

No matter what Ai will never be able to create anything original like a human Maurice Vaughan Maurice Vaughan and us humans gotta stick together and work more creatively and out create the Ai.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Mark Deuce. And yeah, we gotta stick together and work more creatively and out create AI.

Mark Deuce

Charlie Chaplin made 35 movies a year and he out worked and out created everyone. And the first to sign a million dollar contract. If a production company today could cut the fat and work as Charlie did with a skelton crew and create 35 films a year, no Ai could keep up with ya. Have you ever seen the beginning credits of the films from the 30s and 40s? Only 12 - 20 people created the film from start to finish! Just a thought. Cheers. Jason Mirch Maurice Vaughan

Mark Deuce

I totally agree Maurice Vaughan

Arthur Charpentier

Charlie Chaplin's films were analogous to YouTube and tik tok videos.

Pat Alexander

Not sure the guy from Prank'd is the best messenger for warnings on the future of AI lol

Sam Sokolow

@rb posted this article on another chain and it's relevant to this discussion so sharing here:

Maria Soriano

Thanks for the article, Jason. Change is hard to embrace. However, I'm all for making those changes.

Ashley Renee Smith

If any of you are looking to ask more questions about AI directly to a professional best equipped to answer them, you should jump into TODAY'S Ask Me Anything in the Writer's Room Lounge. This is an opportunity to be better informed about how it's affecting the industry, how it can be used responsibly, what the common misconceptions are around it, what the practical changes and concerns are, etc.

Joshua Young, Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Video & Animatic Editor, and AI Consultant (Netflix, PBS, OWN, TLC, etc.) is sharing his time with us to answer YOUR questions.

The post is live for you to comment with your questions NOW!

If you're not already a Stage 32 Writer's Room member, you can sign up for your first month entirely free so that you can join in on these opportunities.

Amanda Toney

Finally read this Jason Mirch and found it really interesting. I agree with Maria - change is hard to embrace, but it's important you educate yourself so you can form your own conclustions. We just had a 100% rated webinar taught by Joshua Young, an AI expert to walk you through ChatGPT and truly understand what it is:, I'd highly recommend it if you are interested:

Sara Elizabeth Timmins

Amanda Toney I was just going to suggest Joshua's AI webinar which was fantastic! He will actually be teaching a followup class that is an even deeper dive for writers late July and I am sure all webinar participants will be the first to know when it is announced :) I can't wait!

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