Introduce Yourself : About me (especially for any reps reading this) by Travis Seppala

Travis Seppala

About me (especially for any reps reading this)

I'm a produced screenwriter whose material has been reported on in Deadline, Fangoria, Bloody Disgusting, and a variety of other movie news and horror news sites.

Movies from my scripts have been distributed around the world on Tubi, Shudder, in theaters, and at various film festivals globally.

I've also published a book of screenwriting tips, placed in over 50 contests (over 60 if counting lists), and been hired to write films and TV.

My previous agent and I are parting ways at the end of the month, so I'm on the hunt for a new agent or manager (I have an entertainment attorney already who has been doing my contracts for over a decade).

I write features (horror, thriller, sci-fi) and TV (hour drama with horror/thriller/sci-fi elements). I was also recently hired to adapt 2 YA romance novels that were written by a New York Times bestseller.

Sam King

Good to meet you and welcome to the community.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on getting hired to adapt 2 YA romance novels, Travis Seppala! How's your PIRATES VS ALIENS script coming along? Or is that on the back burner until you finish the jobs?

Travis Seppala

Maurice Vaughan It's about 1/2 way through the 1st draft. Had to temporarily put it on the back-burner, though, while I try to hit a deadline for another project.

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you Travis Seppala and your resume is OFF THE CHAIN!! I wish you the best of luck.

Geoff Hall

Travis Seppala greetings Travis. It’s great to see

You on the IYW. Congratulations on your successes so far. I hope you find new representation soon.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the progress, Travis Seppala! I couldn't forget a title like PIRATES VS ALIENS if I tried. It sounds perfect for theaters! Can't wait to watch it!

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