Introduce Yourself : Welcome everyone! by Tom Stohlgren

Tom Stohlgren

Welcome everyone!

I’ve been a contributing member of Stage 32 since January 2016. I love Coffee and Content every Sunday. I just loaded up my 85th script on the site, “The Super-Smartphone Mystery” — a Sci-Fi heist adventure involving ice climbing. Thanks for your feedback on longlines, synopses, and scripts I’m represented by: Eleni Larchanidou, LL.M., Literary&Talent Manager, who found me on Stage 32. I especially love connecting with producers. Cheers, Tom

Maurice Vaughan

I love the Coffee & Content blogs too, Tom Stohlgren. "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup!... And Content on Sunday mornings!"

Richard "RB" Botto

The man, the myth. If you're following this thread, check out Tom Stohlgren's contributions to the platform and how he navigates. He leads by example.

Nick Phillips

Prolific doesn't even begin to describe that level of output Tom Stohlgren!

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