Introduce Yourself : Hi everybody! by Lisa Bogner

Lisa Bogner

Hi everybody!

I’m originally from Austria, Vienna and I’m a screenwriter gone actress gone screenwriter/producer/director gone actress gone videographer/filmmaker - please don’t ask, long story ;) I’m currently putting together my portfolio and while I have an (almost) endless list of ideas, it’s the putting it to reality (or into my camera, for that matter) what seems to be taking forever. Plus, I’m very much NOT liking how exhausting it is to try and convince prospective clients that the people they currently turn to for help are doing it wrong by telling them what they actually need (in the best and politest way possible, of course) and that the “solution” their videos are representing is that of problems that they don’t have. Sometimes this really stings because I can see their potential (might be the actress in me) and it just keeps makes me wondering why people always listen to the “bigger group of people” regardless of how wrong they are. If anybody has any advice on how to deal with this, please feel free to drop it into the comments or send a network request and we can chat in the messenger. Anyway, hi, I’m Lisa - nice to meet you all! (If you guys wanna get in touch on Instagram as well, this is me:

Maurice Vaughan

Great to see you at IYW again, Lisa Bogner. "Please don’t ask, long story." Oh, I gotta ask, Lisa Bogner. Haha

That does sound exhausting. I don't have any advice, but hope you get some advice to help.

Kerry Kennard

Hi Lisa,

Nice to meet you at Stage 32! Think of this way, you’ve accomplished being a producer and actress. My question is - is your portfolio for being a producer or an actress? (Smiles). ;-)

Ah - people problems - hmm - I’ll sent a request and we’ll discuss best options.

One thing I’ve learned from Fabiana Claure - music coach - is to think and have Vision like the giraffe, (look above) not the turtle (level). I think this is the situation you’re talking about above.

Have a great weekend!

Kerry Kennard

Lisa Bogner

Kerry Kennard my portfolio is for producer/cam op since I’ve put the acting thing on ice.

I’m not really sure I understand what you mean by the giraffe vs. turtle analogy?

Lisa Bogner

Maurice Vaughan ha! I’ve basically gone back and forth as described.

Maurice Vaughan

I just watched the trailer for Break the Law, Lisa Bogner. The series looks exciting!

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you Lisa Bogner and it is amazing that you are so flexible in taking whatever job comes your way and not set on just one thing like so many have done. Congratulations!!

Lisa Bogner

Maurice Vaughan thanks! Been a hassle and a half to get this out into the world. I’m still hoping for the best, though.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lisa Bogner. Have you thought about posting your logline, synopsis, and pilot on your Stage 32 profile for producers/etc. to see?

Lisa Bogner

Maurice Vaughan I have, there were just times when I was changing around a lot, so I didn’t think it would make a lot of sense. I haven’t actually looked at the script in a few years

Lisa Bogner

Mark Deuce thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, gotcha, Lisa Bogner. I do the same thing sometimes. I take scripts off my profile, rewrite them, and post them again. I definitely suggest members post their projects on their profiles. I sold four short scripts to a producer that way. Hope you sell your series! I wanna watch it!

Mark Deuce

My pleasure Lisa Bogner and have a great weekend!

Lisa Bogner

Maurice Vaughan wow, that’s awesome! So happy for you. I’ve actually been thinking about giving it another glance lately. Definitely gonna give it a shot, I want you to watch it too ;)

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you get interest from producers/etc. when you post your pilot, Lisa Bogner!

Jason Mirch

Hey Lisa Bogner ! Great to have you here! You definitely have a lot of experience in different roles. I always think that makes you better in whatever you decide to pursue. You're welcome to email me at and I would be happy to help you discuss opportunities for your portfolio.

Lisa Bogner

Thanks Jason Mirch. I'll definitely get back to that.

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