Anything Goes : A pipedream? by Matthew Kelcourse

Matthew Kelcourse

A pipedream?

Last week, a dear friend said to me "becoming a screenwriter is a pipedream" and I wondered about stepping back (AFK) for a while. Then 2 of my sci-fi scripts made the quarters in Emerging's Action & Adventure and I learned I have 3 listings on the Coverfly Red List. The lesson learned?

I am already a screenwriter! I just happen to be an un-repped, un-produced, amateur screenwriter enjoying the ride :-)

Lisa Lee

That's great, congratulations!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Matthew Kelcourse! Screenwriting is tough and it can be hard to find success, but I don't think screenwriting is a pipedream. And there's different avenues for success as a screenwriter (writing indie scripts, writing studio scripts, becoming a screenplay reader, etc.).

Bill Albert

We should introduce your dear friend to my dear friend. He told me because of my age and location Hollywood would never ever be interested in my writing. Oh, that's right, I dodn't talk to him any more. Dump him.

Jeelan Syed

I'm in the same boat as you Matthew Kelcourse :-)

Matthew Kelcourse

I guess for me, I am so much enjoying the journey of learning the craft and meeting such good folk like y'all here, I've already won. Anything else will be icing on the cake. :-)

Asmaa Jamil

Congrats and I love this. So inspiring.

Stephen Folker

That's not a friend. Friends build you up, not tear you down. That's someone who is jealous you're not afraid to pursue your goals.

Asmaa Jamil

Very good point Stephen Folker.

D.R. Lang

Very good, brother. I guess we just got to get ourselves out there. Congratulations, keep up the good work.

Matthew Kelcourse

Stephen Folker I actually believe that true friends are allowed to be honest, even when they disagree with you :-)

Stephen Folker

Matthew Kelcourse honest if you ask for it. Not to tear you down.

Johnny Brocco

The universe has beautiful comical ways of pushing us along like this

Dan Guardino

Matthew Kelcourse Congrats on those accomplishments. Screenwriting is a tough business so I understand why some people would think becoming one is a pipedream. It is a tournament career but nobody knows who will write the next screenplay that sells or who will get hired next. For me, it has been the challenge that kept me going all this time. Good luck with those projects and all your future ones.

Matthew Kelcourse

Write on Madeline Harley :-) Words to live by :-)

Ewan Dunbar

Great attitude! Stay positive and remember you only need one person to say yes to get your script to the next stage.

Jim Boston

Who said anything about a pipe dream?

Matthew, with your success on Coverfly and with the Emerging Screenwriters competitions, you're rockin'!

You're a screenwriter. Period.

And here's wishing you more and more success!

Nick Phillips

Great attitude Matthew Kelcourse! Don't be limited by other peoples' definitions. If you have the passion, the discipline, and the drive and you are compelled to tell stories and put words on paper, then me thinks you are a screenwriter, sir.

Robin Gregory

Wonderful message, Matthew Kelcourse. Gotta filter out those "pipedream" comments! Congratulations!

Dan Guardino

Screenwriting might be a pipedream but it’s better than a nightmare.

David Paulsen

I'm new to all this, but I pay attention to those who aren't. I've heard that the producer (not the screenwriter) of the film, Forest Gump, took eight years to finally convince a studio to make the film. Personally, I don't have that kind of time. If calling yourself a screenwriter means selling your scripts and making them into feature films, I guess only a select (lucky) few can be one. Personally, I take Matthew's view. I write novels that only a few people buy. I'm still a writer - because I've written seven novels, and I love to write. Now I write screenplay's that may never be popular outside my own mind. So far just one. But if I ever write another one, I'm going to consider myself a screenwriter - even in none of them ever reaches the screen. Popular acclaim is great, but it doesn't define you. Van Gogh would probably agree.

Dan Guardino

David Paulsen Anyone who writes screenplays is a screenwriter. Forest Gump was a big-budget movie and they are a lot harder to sell. That is why they can take a long time to get produced. Someone starting would have a better chance of selling a lower-budget movie screenplay. That is because people are making them and they are more willing to read a screenplay for consideration from an unknown screenwriters than a production company that makes bigger-budget films. That is just my own opinion.

Jeelan Syed

Matthew Kelcourse, my screenplay made it to the quarterfinals of Emerging's Action & Adventure contest too. I also won the TSL quarterfinalist round too. I do call myself a screenwriter whether or not my script is turned into a feature film.

Jeelan Syed

Thanks, Maurice! You've always been a constant supporter for writers here!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jeelan Syed. It feels great to support other writers on here. I've had my share of support from you and other writers too.

Pat Alexander

Ride the waves Matthew Kelcourse ! They come and they go, and it's a fast and furious surf then a slow and tedious wait for the next one. All you can do is stay in the pocket and keep writing!

Preston Poulter

Becoming a successful screenwriter's a hard road. I recommend making comic books.

Matthew Kelcourse

Jeelan Syed - way to go! Congratulations!!

Dan MaxXx

Does pipedream mean writing movies for a full-time occupation, like writer on your income tax forms? We have a WGA writer-neighbor and he's well-known and he told me during last year's strike he has never net more than $100,000 yearly and there were multiple years of his writing career he made 0 income. Be careful what you wish for.

Brandy Camille

There are highs and lows in every career one could do. But if it fills your cup, it may not fill your wallet all the time. But at least your soul is appeased. I'd rather make a few dollars doing something that makes me happy than get filthy rich and be miserable.

Robin Gregory

Hey Dan MaxXx , as always, you bring clarity to the subject at hand. I love your no-nonsense approach. In that sense, I think "pipedream" can be defined as one's ambition for money, status, recognition. Is it healthy or beneficial to seek the pipedream? That mindset puts success (happiness) is in the hands of something, someone, or events external to ourselves.

It's ok, I think to rejoice when colleague's recognize and support of our work. But before that happens, our best ally is our humble self - not the little ego-monster that thinks it's top dog and should be treated as such, and then gets bent outta shape when no one else recognizes it. As in anything with life, when we chase after self-glorification, external recognition, we become servants to the little ego. It gets impatient, angry, frustrated, all knickers in a twist. But even that's an opportunity to grow. Maybe writing isn't our true purpose. Maybe there's something else we need to be doing. Either way, the mistake doesn't mean failure if we grow from it.

The humble Creative Self pours out, refines, and continues to perfect the craft because it's intrinsic and self-fulfilling. One way or another, there's no escaping our motives. If we're about learning, growing, and sharing, the results will be satisfying NOW - not at some future point, nor according to external events, status, kudos, or accomplishment. IMHO.

Mark Deuce

I was just told to give up on my hobbie(Writing) Matthew Kelcourse and look for something else that will make you money. And here I am!! GRINDING!!

Robin Gregory

Thank you kindly, Dan MaxXx. Jonathan, a veteran in the trenches, doesn't mince words. He's informed and honest. I think MULHOLLAND DRIVE depicted this seedy reality with the story of a wholesome Midwestern actress who comes to the LA seeking fame. T'ain't pretty. And yet, I still believe in forging a path and seeing what may come through time and effort. Fortunately, I don't rely on writing for income. But I do rely on an attorney who keeps me from getting trounced.

Dan Guardino

A "pipedream" is something that would be highly unlikely someone could achieve. If someone’s goal is to make a living writing screenplays some people might consider it a pipedream. You have to love writing screenplays and not do it just for the money or fame. Very few screenwriters get famous or make a lot of money. Obviously this is just my own opinion.

Robin Gregory

Hey, Dan Guardino, I just read an anonymous meme on X: "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow." Perfect for us, eh?

Kiril Maksimoski

I'm mostly into it for free traveling, mingling, partying and some awards...none of it was just a dream in the past 23 years...

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