Your Stage : New to Stage32 by Cam Cade

Cam Cade

New to Stage32

Hi everyone. My name is Cam. I am super excited to join this platform and network with everyone. I can't wait to chat with and learn from you all. Hopefully a few of my jokes will land in the process (lol). If anyone has any suggestions on who I should be adding to my network please feel free to reach out. I'm here to learn and be of service. Thanks for reading my spiel. Ttys

Pat Alexander

Hey Cam Cade are you working on any exciting projects these days?

Nick Phillips

Welcome Cam Cade! Feel free to add me for starters!

Bill Albert

Welcome. I hope it works out great for you.

Cam Cade

Thank you guys so much for the warm welcome!

Cam Cade

Hi Pat Alexander, yes I am! Thank you for asking, but in Lou of jumping the gun, I plan on taking a few classes to educate myself on the business and procedure aspect of screenwriting. Would you happen to have any advice for a beginner such as myself?

Sam Iwata Aka Liu

Welcome, welcome!

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