Happy about the timing of this July journey Stage32 put together because I am in development of a book adaptation script. Can't think of a more effective motivation than to know that you've got hundreds of fellow filmmakers 'working alongside you' the entire month!
Parkinson’s Law: "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”With that in mind, and since I have done a fair amount of research and have a pretty detailed script outline already, my July goals are:
- to crank out a first draft
- start research for a list of potential script reviewers
Let's go! :)
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Congratulations on being in development of a book adaptation script, Sebastian Tudores! Rooting for you to reach your goals!
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Much appreciated Maurice Vaughan !
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You're welcome, Sebastian Tudores.
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What book are you adapting?
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Jaye Viner unfortunately I am not at liberty to say right now - but it's an espionage action-thriller written by a former practitioner. It's the first of three books so I'm considering also developing a pilot after I finish the feature. Are you planning on adapting your books or have you already done so? It's a very challenging and interesting process, I find.
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Always love having your energy around these parts, Sebastian Tudores. I'm with Jaye Viner. Love to know a bit more.
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Thank you truly Richard "RB" Botto - missed you and this wonderful community you've built and empowered & very happy to be back :)
To add a bit about this project to my reply to Jaye Viner above - since almost all action takes place in Paris & surroundings, I'm trying to bring in a French New Wave vibe (but, no, we will NOT be breaking the fourth wall haha)
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Greatly appreciated, Sebastian Tudores. We've missed you around these parts as well!
Got a good laugh out of the 4th wall comment.
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Let's go July and your first draft!
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thank you Xochi Blymyer !!