Introduce Yourself : Figuring this all out. by Wade Cox

Wade Cox

Figuring this all out.

My name is Wade, and I live in Virginia, USA. I'm sorta figuring this out, but not really. I have worked on several productions before (4 of which I wrote), and now I'm in a film desert navigating my way through. I had a film group that I was part of in Florida, and then I moved to Virginia, and there was no film group so I started one. We're going nowhere fast. I know some, and don't know a lot. I'm currently learning editing and VFX. I'm looking for people who can help me along in my journey.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Wade Cox. How are the editing and VFX classes?

Mark Deuce

Great to meet ya Wade Cox

Wade Cox

The VFX class is going great. right now, I'm learning editing from a friend who edits the shorts that we film together. I'm sure he doesn't know everything, but I've got to start somewhere.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Wade Cox. What type of VFX?

Geoff Hall

Wade Cox hi Wade, I hope all goes well with your film group.

Nick Phillips

Wade Cox Consider this a new film group for you! Get involved in the individual lounges and you'll start finding some great, like minded people!

Jason Mirch

Great to have you in the community Wade Cox ! And I appreciate that you started a film group when there wasn't one. I love that entrepreneurial spirit! And I appreciate that you're expanding your skill set. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you expand your group or network with some pros. You can reach me at

Wade Cox

Thanks for the warm welcome, everybody. I have been a member of Stage32 for a few years now, and have put up a message in the INTRODUCE YOURSELF weekends several times, but this is the first time I've felt truly welcomed into the community.

For those of you asking about the VFX course that I'm taking, it can be found at

and is only $10 a month to participate. The software that you need for the course is completely free and open source.

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Wade Cox. What region of VA? I'm in the Hampton Roads region. Cheers.

Maurice Vaughan

I lived in Hampton, Matthew Kelcourse.

Sophia Elan

Hi Wade Cox - you sound very inspirational!

Sophia Elan

Jack Bosma Will do, Jack!

Matthew Kelcourse

Our towns are neighbors, Maurice Vaughan - if we anthropomorphize just a wee bit :-0

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Hi @Wade, would love to know about your film group - How did you start it? What did it involve? I would love to do something like that in my own city

Wade Cox

@Sarah, first I did some research to find that there was not one in my area. The closest was in Richmond (about 4 hours away). Next, I went on and started the group, picking a name for it. This will cost a little money, but not much. I think the fee is about $200 per year to have a group listed on here. I then sent out messages to perspective participants and began compiling emails (this is the easy part, b/c meetup does it for you) and I set my first meet&greet, where we talked about our skills, what we bring to the table, and our availability. Some people have equipment, some don't. People have all kinds of different skills.

Wade Cox

Matthew Kelcourse , I am in Roanoke, about 3.5 to 4 hours from you. Perhaps we could work together on a project. 4 hours really isn't that much.

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Wow, that's really interesting Wade Cox I have to admit, when you are not in LA, New York, London, you feel like you are missing out on opportunities. That is why I love the idea behind the Stage 32 platform and community. I would love a little film group, though, in my locale. I think it would be very synergistic. Thanks for the information on how you set it up :)

Matthew Kelcourse

Hey Wade Cox - imagine how they'll feel when I tell them I'll manage rewrites and meetings from the east coast (glass is always half full with skype locked and loaded) :-)

Wade Cox

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy you're very welcome. and yes, when you are not in one of those cities, it is very hard. I have noticed this since I moved out of LA (it was very expensive.)

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