Introduce Yourself : Hello! by David Dicaire

David Dicaire


Another introduce yourself weekend. Summertime fun includes all kinds of activities, as well as working on screenplays. The balance between work and play, is the difference between accomplishing short, mid, and longterm goals. Happy fun in the sun!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, David Dicaire. What fun activities have you been doing this summer?

David Dicaire

Hi Maurice Vaughan. Walking the beach, barbecues, and festivals among others. And, of course, working on screenplays. What about you? I never received any notice that it was introduce yourself weekend. Good thing I looked at the calendar.

Robin Gregory

Nice the hear from you, David Dicaire. I love your attitude.

David Dicaire

Hey, Robin Gregory. How are you? I hope you are having a great summer and getting lots of work done. Cheers!

Robin Gregory

Doing well, David Dicaire. Thanking the heavens for California coastal fog that keeps us cool. Am waiting to get full coverage back for current WIP. This so far: "In terms of previews: I'm loving your Dialog. I wish people could write Dialog as good as yours... Can completely see the tone... The quick animation cut inserts - what's that inspired by? There's a film niggling at the back of my head where I've seen something similar, and it's bugging me. So far, I think it's delightful." Allelluia! Progress!

David Dicaire

Glad to hear it, Robin Gregory. I loved your response. It made me laugh. All the best of luck to you. Progress is a wonderful thing. Alleluia!

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds fun, David Dicaire! The Watermelon Festival is coming up soon in NC.

I'm working on a ghostwriting job and a feature spec script.

I don't think there's a notice for Introduce Yourself Weekend. The Stage 32 Team and the Lounge Moderators post about the event on Stage 32 and other social media during Introduce Yourself Weekend. IYW is the third weekend of every month (Fri-Mon).

Nick Phillips

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! I definitely make sure to spend time with my family, especially my daughters, David Dicaire, as well as spending time outside and moving around. I live near the water so the beach is always a great day out!

David Dicaire

Hey Nick Phillips, you are absolutely right!

David Dicaire

Hey Maurice Vaughan. I always get an email notice.. This month I didn't. Thought it was strange.

Robin Gregory

Hey Maurice Vaughan , I didn't catch that you're from North Carolina. I have friends in Chapel Hill and Asheville. So pretty. Where about are you?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Robin Gregory. I live in Greenville. It's about two hours from Chapel Hill and about five hours from Asheville. Sandra Bullock went to the university in Greenville.

Maurice Vaughan

Glad you didn't miss the event, David Dicaire!

David Dicaire

Hey, Maurice Vaughan, I am also glad.

David Dicaire

My publishing company for my music reference books is from NC, McFarland & Co.

Geoff Hall

David Dicaire it’s great to see you again on the IYW, David.

David Dicaire

Hey Geoff Hall. Always nice to see you on IYW as well. Hope all is well and you are having a great summer.

Robin Gregory

Nice Maurice Vaughan . Enjoy the Watermelon Festival!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Robin Gregory. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Jason Mirch

Completely agree David Dicaire ! It can't always be a grind - I find the best creative inspiration comes from being out in the real world and experiencing life. It can have such a major impact on all your creative work!

David Dicaire

Hello Jason Mirch. You are so very right.

David Zannoni

Hi David, I agree, life is all about balance. We live in challenging times but also times with great opportunities to fullfill professional dreams while living in your place of choice, to enjoy whatever that means for each of us. For me it is dedicating professional life to what I like, entertainment, and living in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Mexico's Riviera Maya.

David Dicaire

Hi David Zannoni. Great first name by the way. LOL. Yes, I couldn't agree with you more. Balance is so important. You seem to have it figured out.

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