Hello, fellow s-32 ers - (what's the origin of the name Stage 32? I have learned so much in my almost three years as a member, and I want to do an outreach pitch. Most of the passes and feedback from dozens of script readers have to do, at least in part, that my script (feature) has a lot of music (ergo musical). Music from the maestros of the 1700s, music from the 20th and 21st centuries, and original songs. (About a 1/3rd breakdown for each.) I am looking for a director with a musical background and/or a musical director to view the synopsis, pitch, and script. If you are one of those musicologists or know of such a person, I would welcome a connection,, a referral, or a response indicating your talented interest. I appreciate the group, the education, and even the feedback. Thank you and looking forward to your responses.
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Hi, Craig Sultan. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge. You can mention your script and mention that you’re looking for a director in your introduction post, but you need to introduce/reintroduce yourself to the community. Let me know if you have any questions.
Also, you can read about the origin of the Stage 32 name here: www.stage32.com/content/our-mission