Introduce Yourself : Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ! by Morrison James

Morrison James

Happy Weekend Everyone - Greetings from OZ!

Hello All You Stage 32er's,

Wishing you all a very Happy Weekend for July Introduce yourself.

Always looking to connect with all you creatives - Directors, Producers, Writers, Cinematographers etc.

Wishing you All Health and Happiness.

Stay Safe, healthy and above all - HAPPY!

Do what you love to do and Create Some Magic!

Morrison James

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Weekend, Morrison James! How are you doing?

Jason Mirch

Love the energy Morrison! Really glad to have you in the community and I am glad we're connected!

Richard "RB" Botto

"Do what you love to do and Create Some Magic!" - Doesn't get more inspiring than that. And it's that simple, isn't it, Morrison James?

Morrison James

Richard "RB" Botto You are so right RB. Hope you are keeping well my friend. Appreciate your comments.

António Monfort

Great to have you here OZI!

Richard "RB" Botto

Doing fantastic, Morrison James. Thanks for the positive energy.

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