Hello Fellow Screen Writers. I want to share a little of my experience of speaking with a Stage32 executive about my script. There is nothing like having someone who has produced scripts give you feedback!! I received clear, actionable feedback. This is my first script and it was a little challenging and yet it was what I wanted and needed. In many ways it was what I expected. The good thing is I received suggestions to discover ways to make the changes and find ideas. The discussion ranged from her connection to the characters to adapting a screenplay from a play and all things in Tbetween. There was no chitchat. Her desire was to give me the full hour to supporting my creating a better script. Just as we have heard in our webinars, she commented on formatting. She wasn't going to mention it and asked how open I was to feedback. I wanted to hear any and everything. I thought I had done a really good job of formatting, and yet she found a couple of errors and said that that would have made her toss the script. I think as a total newbie, I realize I need to take extra, extra care. Also as a newbie, I think having this kind of feedback early on helps you avoid mistakes and develop a better eye earlier. I would definitely recommend having an executive give feedback on your script. Laurie Williams
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Thank you, Laurie, for your briefing about your consultation. I had similar experience as you, and it made me want to keep working on my screenplay and make it more compelling. This is also the first screenplay I've ever written. They are so helpful, and we must accept their guidance. It's the best for us. After my first consultations, I changed from a pilot to a feature, and now I am in my third version. Keep going and share with us your evolution. Dreams come true!
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Glad you had an incredible experience with the consultation call, Laurie Williams! I didn't get feedback on my scripts when I started screenwriting, and my scripts suffered because of it. I suggest new writers get feedback. It'll save them time, money (ex: submitting to contests before a script is ready), and headaches. Thanks for sharing this with the Lounge!
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Thank you for your supportive comments, Sandra and Maurice.
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You're welcome, Laurie Williams.
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Laurie Williams thanks for sharing this (: i am getting ready to do my first consultation and was kinda nervous and just wanted some feedback from people who already stepped in that realm (:
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I'm new to Stage 32 and this post and the replies tell me everything I need to know about this place. So happy to be here and thankful for all of you.
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You are welcome Laurie Williams
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Great to hear!