Screenwriting : Climate Chaos by Patrick Costello

Patrick Costello

Climate Chaos

When will Hollywood have the courage to do a film that directly holds Big Oil/the Fossil Fuel Industry for our climate emergency?? I'm shopping a screenplay that does just that

Matthew Kelcourse

My approach is to treat big oil, climate deniers, etc... with kid gloves of subtle hints here and there. Seems to be working, based on requested reads. Write on!

Michael Elliott

What emergency?

Patrick Costello

Matthew, why would/should we treat the destroyers of civilization with kid gloves?? And....ironically, I just wrote and recorded an instrumental rock song called.....Kid Gloves! I would put my drumming on that tune up against any rock drummer, especially what I do with my double bass pedal feet, including Neil Pert. Make sure to listen on a system where you can hear bass frequencies...

Sam Rivera

I love the topic! Though I see how its a topic that has been perfect by International Filmmakers, I think of films like CHILDREN OF MEN, CITY OF GOD, or TRASH as climate change can directly impact other countries which a lot of indies tend to reflect!

Michael Elliott

Sure, go ahead and make movies that no one wants to see. Worked wonders for Disney.

Mark Deuce

I see this as a devisive idea Patrick Costello and I agree with Michael Elliott that no one would watch it. Your film should be a driving force to unite and build folks up and not the opposite. Juss Say´in M8t!

Patrick Costello

Telling the truth about corporate malfeasance and the profound climate crimes of Big Oil WILL unite anyone who wants their children to have a livable climate. Films like Dark Waters, The China Syndrome, Erin Brockovich, Silkwood and The Insider have done this.

Dan MaxXx

It could be your writing talent aint that good. Your examples- dark water, china syndrome, erin brockovich, silkwood, insiders- the filmmakers did not make them as debut movies. They made them 10-20+ years into careers. Steady Track records.

Maybe write something similiar but scale down. Find your own peers climbing the show biz ladder as you. GL!

Chase Cysco

Patrick Costello i was just gonna say dark waters, i have tried to sit and watch it several times just because "Mark Ruffalo" is one of my favorite actors , and i someone how just fast forward to the end scene where he is crying and telling his wife "Anne Hathaway" that no one is going to save us !! not the government , we save ourselves !! & it just hits deep with because i always knew that in real life so it was a cool little scene to add in (:

but yea over all i can care less about stuff like that !!! LIKE WHEN YOU SAID THE WORD OIL .... THE ONLY THOUGHT THAT POPPED IN MY HEAD WAS THERE WILL BE BLOOD !!


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