Filmmaking / Directing : July Filmmakers Club week 4: Continued Support by Eon C. Rambally

Eon C. Rambally

July Filmmakers Club week 4: Continued Support

Filmmaking involves so much diversity, which includes in basic analysis the subject accommodation. Be it Visitors Accommodation, Location Scouting, Studio construction and more! However, are projects investors and collaborators are working with me and can be very time consuming and distracts from things you want to focus on. This month my intent will be resolving a lot of these issues of allocating time to various aspects of my life. I've seen so many goals of my fellow creatives and marvel at such sprit and enthusiasm! So impressive! So invigorating! Keep it up everyone, keep the vibes!!

Ashley Renee Smith

It's never easy to juggle it all, Eon C. Rambally. That's why I'm obsessed with to-do lists. I like organizing everything I need to accomplish, giving myself deadlines, and then tackling the tasks one at a time. It makes me feel so productive and accomplished when I can cross things off my list and know that they're done.

Eon C. Rambally

Ashley Renee Smith, thanks for the reminder! Some laughter! Sometimes I go off the to-do list, when dealing with unexpected changes and good intended but impulsive individuals, because I’m compelled to do so! Circumstances can throw more than one ball at you. Either strategize out of the circumstances or become a good juggler!! I’ve worked on both!! :) I'm talented! :)

Maurice Vaughan

Great to hear you have a team helping you, Eon C. Rambally! Hope you and your team are able to resolve a lot of those issues this month! Can't wait to see what you and your team make!

Eon C. Rambally

Maurice Vaughan, some more laughter! I have a lot of high spirited individuals around me! "Patience is virtue" is the reminder.....and some cases, the making for good comedy! :)

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Eon C. Rambally Thankful to be on the beginning of a road with you. And the flow is eye catching! EVERY DAY COUNTS.

Eon C. Rambally

You're welcome, Evelyn Von Warnitz! This is one for the records completed for the month of July! The road ahead is full of successful expectations and anticipations, looking forward to the journey. Best!

Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally Hi Eon, thank you for your presence in the Stage32 community. It's such an encouragement.

Eon C. Rambally

Thankful to hear that Geoff Hall! It's what I want and aspire for the most. To be an encouragement!!

Sandra Isabel Correia

I love to read you Eon C. Rambally and learn about it! Filming it’s almost a PhD :))

Eon C. Rambally

Thanks, you're welcome Sandra Isabel Correia! in a world where so many are looking for answers, change, new concepts and associative matters, my motives are it is applicable for relevant and viable cause!

Eon C. Rambally

Not forgetting that post and dialogue on the Quantum Universe Geoff Hall! Forgot to mention, the first scenes in my film The World Of Thought, Perception & Creativity, portrays the concept, from a single explosion in space materializing into a matrix world and dimension. It eventually involves amongst characters a professor in deep research of an ancient site. Had the dialogue with you for reasons and viable cause!

Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally I look forward to seeing it, Eon.

Eon C. Rambally

Geoff Hall, this is going to be amazing! Didn't comment to much before of my film, but will now as I've gotten satisfactory reply with a recent entry to a film festival. You can view the link!

Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally it’s a beautiful piece of work, Eon. Thanks for sharing it with the Stage32 community.

Eon C. Rambally

Geoff Hall, thanks and always welcome! I'm so preoccupied with career matters which included recuperation with physical therapy and therefore some unattentiveness. The vid. have been there for two years to date and eventually recognized, the cartoon depiction of the professor (shown almost to the end) have some resemblance to your good self, ( correct me if wrong) with the status and composure, just some little obvious difference, but posted two years ago. Only dawned on me with the "QU" subject! Some amazement ) ! Will comment on your other post "The Writer, Filmmaker and Social Responsibility", later!

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