Screenwriting : So you want to make a feature film? by Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

So you want to make a feature film?

Do you have a great feature screenplay? Are you ready to make a film? Then what are you willing to do to make this happen? And, what's your plan?

Susan Kelejian

My plan has been to do some data mining (which I will publish here in a few weeks) after pitching to several demographics. I take meetings when I can, but mostly it's about actively networking daily.

Dan Guardino

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique Good to see you again. You know my plan, make money without working. I guess I sould have been an Agent instead of a Screenwriter.

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

NIce image! Very apt :)

Göran Johansson

After creating 17 hours with shorts and TV mini series, I won a prize as best director. And then 3 TV-movies. In total 22 hours with no-budget projects distributed by public access television stations. And now a new screenplay which I have translated into English and hope to sell. I mean, I have once again written in such a way that I can film it myself if I fail to sell.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Göran Johansson!

Yair Avivi

I have a scifi script, my plan is to pitch to executives, hoppfully 1 of them will like my pitch

Dan Guardino

Yair Avivi If you are talking about paid pitches here come up with a realistic plan because that is not a very good one.

Yair Avivi

Do you have another plan? I will be happy to hear

Lori Jones

Are you referring to the recent Stage 32 announcement that stated; To successfully pitch your feature film project to the market, you need four key elements: a compelling synopsis and logline, a powerful verbal pitch, a visually engaging director’s pitch lookbook, and a well-developed business prospectus.

I have everything but the business plan. I won't have time to reserach that for another month or so as I'm working on a true story about a man who was part of the Dutch resistance, caught, and sent to a consentration camp before getting out and immigrating to the U.S. It's hard to do paperwork when the creative flow is so strong.

Yair Avivi

i love historical movies, espesialy ww2 but also american history

Dan Guardino

Yair Avivi I don’t have a plan. I used to send out query letters like everyone else. I called production companies and WGA Agencies every time I finished a screenplay. I attached a couple of well-directors to three of my screenplays. That is about all I ever did if you wanna call it a plan which would probably be a stretch. I guess I am more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy.

Mike Childress

Dan Guardino Do most production companies even accept/look at query letters these days? I know Zero Gravity does, but seems like that process is just a Logline triage... Maybe now just hire an aircraft to drop your scripts over LA like in a PsyOps campaign.

Dan Guardino

Mike Childress That is why I probably had better luck calling them.

Yair Avivi

Dan Guardino From what I see on your resume, your plan works great.

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