Introduce Yourself : Hello :) by Petra Jurasova

Petra Jurasova

Hello :)

Hello to all amazing and inspiring people. :)

My name is Petra, I am originally from Czech Republic but live with my family over 16 years in United Kingdom.

I am big dreamer. I learning a lot about screenwriting.

I written script story from my childhood. My parents were alcoholics and they didn’t care about us.

I received two awards for my first script. I am really happy and so proud of it. I have plans for my second script. It would be about ‘‘through the life in orphanage home’’

I wishing all of you beautiful sunday :) Petra

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Petra Jurasova. Congratulations on winning the awards! Your second script sounds interesting!

Petra Jurasova

Thank you very much Maurice Vaughan :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Petra Jurasova. Keep us posted on your second script.

Petra Jurasova

Maurice Vaughan definitely I will :)

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Hi Petra, congratulations with the success of your first screenplay, and best of luck with the second!

Petra Jurasova

Thank you very much Sarah Jane Mc Carthy Really appreciate it:)

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