Hello to all amazing and inspiring people. :)
My name is Petra, I am originally from Czech Republic but live with my family over 16 years in United Kingdom.
I am big dreamer. I learning a lot about screenwriting.
I written script story from my childhood. My parents were alcoholics and they didn’t care about us.
I received two awards for my first script. I am really happy and so proud of it. I have plans for my second script. It would be about ‘‘through the life in orphanage home’’
I wishing all of you beautiful sunday :) Petra
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Hi, Petra Jurasova. Congratulations on winning the awards! Your second script sounds interesting!
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Thank you very much Maurice Vaughan :)
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You're welcome, Petra Jurasova. Keep us posted on your second script.
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Maurice Vaughan definitely I will :)
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Hi Petra, congratulations with the success of your first screenplay, and best of luck with the second!
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Thank you very much Sarah Jane Mc Carthy Really appreciate it:)