"Screenwriting: Is Sticking to One Genre the Best Approach?" explores the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on a single genre versus experimenting with multiple genres in screenwriting.
Cannon wrote a great blog, Jacob N. Stuart! I think writers can write one genre or different genres. One genre if they wanna be known as the Action writer, Comedy writer, etc. I was the Horrow writer (and Horror is one of the main genres I write now), but I wrote other genres and wanted to pitch those scripts, so I changed "Horror screenwriter" to "screenwriter" on my profiles.
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Mike Childress Dan Guardino i agree with both of you , as of someone like dan , he's obvi more experienced where he most likely can write anything .... i myself cannot lol , i can only do what im good at ! and i punt everything else , i don't waste sleep on the thought i cant write a notebook lol
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Mike Childress hahaha no i hear you lol !!!! your like so what color are these bears ahaha
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There's no such thing as sticking to one genre in Sci-fi. Sci-fi is always a mix of technology and the human story, whether its drama (Matrix), horror (Alien), comedy (Galaxy Quest), or other. Being a Sci-fi writer is being a generalist because without the other genres, all you have is a bunch of special effects and no story.
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Master three genres, learn to use them effectively in storytelling, and cash in, in Hollywood.
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Good question. I wrote two coming-of-age screenplays because I had first hand knowledge of the material. My next project is a WWII drama regarding the Danish resistance that I took on after receiving the 127 page memoir of my friend's grandfather. Her mother/his daughter is still alive so I've been interviewing her with any questions I have. What is unfolding is a moment in history based on an intriguing, well documented story. WTS I don't think sticking to the same genre matters. A well-written screenplay with a strong universal message should be strong enough on its own to generate interest.
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Having a "brand" always can help. If you're known for one genre, it helps show you can consistently execute that genre. Like a great burger joint, you go back over and over again because you can trust the product you're getting will be exactly what you want. This helps when folks are looking to dine know what you're cooking up is going to satisfy their appetites. But like all writers, we do enjoy mixing it up and trying out new things, so it can be hard to stay in one place because there's so much inside us to express