Your Stage : Poster Artwork by Eon C. Rambally

Eon C. Rambally

Poster Artwork

One of projects completed in July’s month!

Hi folks and fellow creatives, this is a third Poster Artwork I’ve completed within an approximate of ten months. This artwork was completed in July’s month. Lots of themes illustrated, which relates to the story of a scientific fantasy drama feature about Climate Change.

The title of the feature is as advertised “AN AMAZING LIFE”. The screenplay accredited to those currently running the NRDC Climate Change Storytelling Fellowship by THE BLACKLIST. Themes illustrated includes Costume Concept and more, also done by myself and advertises services done by my company Ecr-Mind-Productions.

What are your opinions?

Idea and screenplay by our fellow stage 32 member Evelyn Von Warmitz, who is also in the process of securing sponsorship and investment.

You can also laize with her comments in this thread/post for dialogue.

Also can view her stage 32 profile...

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Eon, grateful for your fantastic art and this first version of a poster showing the main character, the pro-earth scientist DR. JERRY KAYNE in deeply thoughts on how to impact the effect of Climate Change with his developments. Thank you so much. Looking forward to blow life in this story with the right producer.

Leonardo Ramirez

The poster looks great Eon C. Rambally. I am wondering if the type can be changed to a contrasting font or color. The title seems to blend in a little. Other than that, it looks great!

Maurice Vaughan

I like the poster, Eon C. Rambally. The giant man standing above the city looks great! I think the title and names need more space between them (maybe make the words smaller). And I agree with Leonardo Ramirez.

Eon C. Rambally

Evelyn Von Warnitz, you're welcome! Lots of planning and decision making, things will progress. Admire your motivation thus far.

Eon C. Rambally

Leonardo Ramirez, thanks, I agree and thought about it, it’s easy to adjust. I'll try with the color contrast.

Eon C. Rambally

Maurice Vaughan, thanks, I also thought about the spacing, that's easy to adjust. The giant portrayal and image not only always blends in with a sense of conquering for the cause of good, but it also advertises the "costuming concept". What do you think of it?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Eon C. Rambally. What do you mean by costuming concept?

Robin Gregory

Well done Eon C. Rambally and Evelyn Von Warnitz ! Sounds like an awesome project. I agree with Maurice Vaughan and Leonardo Ramirez , the text might need revisiting. I wonder if the font needs to a more homogeneous style and color so it doesn't compete with the graphic images, which are very cool.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Eon C. Rambally It's a pleasure to be on this road with you. Great collaboration.

Eon C. Rambally

Thanks Maurice Vaughan, I was referring to the outfit/jacket on the main character.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Eon C. Rambally. Oh ok. Thanks for explaining. I like the outfit/jacket.

Eon C. Rambally

Robin Gregory , point taken, it's why I have already decided to do more than one concept (at least three) as this will better interest investors etc., the present being an introduction. Btw, didn't forget your comment on the Quantum Universe post about divinity. Will certainly catch up with relevant subjects!

Eon C. Rambally

Evelyn Von Warnitz, noted! The task is certainly there to portray message, we'll keep in contact!

Eon C. Rambally

Maurice Vaughan,, you're welcome. Just to pick you a bit, the costume design was not just to portray an adequate futuristic look which is in about 20 yrs, but not to elaborate as may suggest an unrealistic and significant leap in human evolution, therefore more and unnecessary "investment" in budgeting for Costume Designing and of course technicalities of readjustment in script. Pre-Production subject(s) for another post!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Eon C. Rambally. I like it when costumes, props, scenes, dialogue, and movie titles have multiple meanings/layers. And it's fun to figure out the meanings/layers as I watch a movie.

Sherri ZImmerman

Nice work as usual! Very high tech looking. Gives a clear indication of the focus intended... without even knowing the storyline...first intuitive reaction is always telling!

Sherri ZImmerman

Great Eon!! Love it

Eon C. Rambally

Sherri ZImmerman, thanks and well said! Of course more to come for the film, the second will have even more spectacular detail soon to complete. I really intend to make an impression!

Arevik Janyan

Great job! Mysterious, obviously makes me feel the tentacles of the life dilemma full of powerfulness and, meanwhile, powerlessness.

Eon C. Rambally

Arevik Janyan, you're welcome! And that’s the big question(s) we have to answer in the film! Brings the matter of objectives mysteriously into curiousness. The other posters with trailer will complete the convey of curiosities, mystery and messages.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Eon C. Rambally Like Dr. JERRY KAYNE says. EVERY DAY COUNTS. As we all face the effect of Climate Change.

Eon C. Rambally

Evelyn Von Warnitz, that's correct, recently (August 1st) within the space of about two years, at home we've experience two massive floods as never seen in decades. Myself, family and friends, have investment in infrastructure to be most comfortable, some weren't that fortunate. Climate change is now a present undeniable subject matter, which needs the technicalities of presentation in varied opinions. How it came about is now diversified opinioned and certainly prominent, therefore a must dealt with situation, I’m glad the concepts for the film began with your script here on stage 32. Technical, but good accreditation and subject as said previously for another post. A captivating Poster Artwork as such, confidently presented (dialogue and comments considered) is all part of good relieving public relations and future considerations for transparency issues. Basically therefore includes what producers and investors will want to hear, all part of Pre-Production discussions and decision makings. Evelyn, well said, EVERY DAY COUNTS!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Eon, this is so sad to hear. All over the globe we have to face it. Let's give some hope. Scientist are working on solutions for real. So my protagonist does. We should see this feature as a mirror of the reality.

Eon C. Rambally

Evelyn understood! Whilst myself, family and my friends are the fortunate and unaffected, I and they have certainly shown concerns otherwise, therefore I applaud your energy, script and more towards this presentation and intervention. The best to you towards this project!

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