Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Rachel Troche

Rachel Troche


Hi friends!

My name is Rachel and I'm a filmmaker from Central PA. I've won awards for directing, marketing, screenwriting and fine art photography.

I recently completed a short thriller/horror script, and am currently digging through a rewrite of a drama feature with the help of a screenwriting coach.

I'm also toying with the idea of a short documentary about my son who has a rare condition called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, but I've only ever worked in narrative film, so this is a challenge I'm excited to take on whenever I need to step away from my feature.

What are you currently working on/excited for?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Rachel Troche. Hope you're having a great weekend. This is my first time hearing about Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. I'm interested in seeing a documentary about it. I'm working on a feature spec script.

Rachel Troche

Thanks, Maurice Vaughan ! It's a rare condition where your brain has trouble processing information, and it can distort time or perception. For my son, he would have moments where things suddenly seemed very far away or his hand were too small, and there was no predicting it, no pattern to it at all.

The name comes from the Lewis Carroll story, and his diaries showed he may have had it as well, but there isn't much research on it anywhere. When I showed my son the movie, he said "that's not what I see at all," so my goal is to somehow convey what it is he sees and how he works through it.

Edward Ladner

Hello Rachel, Enjoyed reading your postand congratulations on your awards garnered to date in film, and media. Spent parts summers in youth in Alentown, PA where my mother's parents and relatives lived. Your short documentary about "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome," sounds very intriguing as I have an M.A. in Counseling. Although not working as counselor applying counseling ethics to film, TV.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Rachel Troche. Sorry to hear your son goes through that. I think it's a great idea to make a documentary to convey what your son sees and how he works through it, plus bring attention to the condition.

Nick Phillips

I really like the idea of the documentary Rachel Troche! I think you should go for it. It's a great way to shine a light on this condition and how it affects your lives and it will help connect you and your son more as well ideally.

Rachel Troche

Thanks Nick Phillips ! Stage32 has webinars about building a documentary, right?

Rachel Troche

Nick Phillips you're awesome - thank you!

Nick Phillips

No problem Rachel Troche! Go through those and see if any of them suit your needs. I'm sure you'll find a match!

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