Anyone have any examples of feature film pitch decks under 10MB they are willing to share? International Screenwriter Association's submission requirements for their projects are under 10MB -- I can't even get 5 pages with a couple pictures to meet that limit. All the templates I'm seeing have way more visuals than that. Thoughts/suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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Compress .JPGs. This can easily be done in Photoshop. Microsoft Picture Manager also accomplishes this but without the Photoshop granularity. Another track is picture size, i.e. 800 X 600 instead of 1024 X 768, for example. Also, take Resolution down to 72 Pixels/Inch.
GIMP is a Photoshop knockoff. It's free but complicated.
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What software are you using to make your pitch decks? If it's Powerpoint, for example, there's a function to 'Compress Pictures' in the 'File' tab. Or in Adobe Acrobat, there's 'Compress a PDF', again in the File tab. In Keynote, it's called 'Reduce File Size'. Most packages have something similar. A compression with one of these usually takes you under 10mb.
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Good ones. I work it the other way - prep the pix then insert in PDF or Powerpoint. Both methods work although PDF's can look bad when compressed in toto.
As noted, Photoshop and GIMP allow dialing in a specific file size.
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Hey, Samuel Minier. Richard Lamb posted a link to his pitch deck in the Screenwriting Lounge and asked for feedback ( You could see how he formatted his pitch deck.
And here are two websites where you can see pitch deck examples (TV and feature):
I compress my pitch decks with
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Thanks to all for the compression advice - still learning Canva, didn't even think of that.
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You're welcome, Samuel Minier.