Screenwriting : I will beta read your screenplay by Mike Rembis

Mike Rembis

I will beta read your screenplay

Looking for feedback? Send me your logline and tell me about your story or screenplay. If it sounds like something I might like I will read it and offer an in-depth critique at no charge.

Claude Gagne

What are you looking for? I have a few. What genres is best for you?

Tara Sandoval

Do you read horror?

Mike Rembis

I am not looking for any particular genre. Horror is great.

Claude Gagne

I checked Best Production Company. I didn't see your name on the team!

Arthur Charpentier


LOGLINE: A lazy girl with superpowers is trying to fight crime to become a superhero, but she absolutely does not know how to control her superpowers.

Mike Rembis

Arthur Charpentier Your screenplay is a word doc. Send me a PDF

Mike Rembis

Claude Gagne that is a different company. I have called myself BEST Productions for over 20 years.

Göran Johansson

I am right now finishing my proofreading of my latest screenplay. "Saved by Andromeda". 96 pages. Comedy, action comedy or dramedy, or whatever you prefer to call it.

Preliminary logline : A CIA operative suffers from her uncle’s demands, which can send her to life inprisonment, while a scientific discovery can heal her from the loss of her baby.

Yes, it is written in American English even though I have never even visited USA.

Written so it can be filmed on a shoestring budget.

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