hey everyone, this is my first time sign up for stage 32 so here’s my introduction
My name is Andy Diep, and I’m a film student at San Jose State University with a passion for storytelling through both video games and film. I have hands-on experience as a camera operator and have directed four short films. Additionally, I have strong skills in screenplay writing and have contributed to several short film projects, as well as one feature film, in various crew roles.
here’s my reel
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Hey, Andy Diep. Welcome to the community. I like your reel! I suggest adding a detailed bio to your profile. It’ll help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to your bio like why you became a director/cinematographer/etc., your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies/shows/games you like.
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Hi Nice to emeet you
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Andy, nice to meet you! I love the motion you capture with your camera work on your reel! Welcome home, glad to have you in the community!