It's a SciFi Short Film: "A stranded female astronaut seeks rescue from a malfunction ship, only to discover a discarded 250 year old robot who introduces her to a world of loneliness and potential hope for the future as they await a search ship."
Wrapped our SciFi festival short "Missing Hearts" at Seattle's Harbor Island Studios end of Sept-on to post production mode with release of pre festival edit by Christmas!
Hi, Kit Wilson. Hope you're doing great and you had a great summer. Congratulations! Incredible posters!
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That's awesome, Kit Wilson! What is Missing Hearts about?
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It's a SciFi Short Film: "A stranded female astronaut seeks rescue from a malfunction ship, only to discover a discarded 250 year old robot who introduces her to a world of loneliness and potential hope for the future as they await a search ship."
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Wrapped our SciFi festival short "Missing Hearts" at Seattle's Harbor Island Studios end of Sept-on to post production mode with release of pre festival edit by Christmas!
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Looking forward to seeing Missing Hearts, Kit Wilson!
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Thank you! Looking forward to it!
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You're welcome, Kit Wilson.