Screenwriting is the dream job for me. Obviously. For you it might be screenwriting, director, producing, acting, DPing, make-up, and any other host of industry-related jobs. That's why you're here.
But if you could have ANY non-film-industry job as your job, what would it be? This is assuming you could get hired doing it right this second without any additional education, training, etc.
For me, I'd wanna be an astronaut. I can think of no cooler experience than a space walk.
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Honestly, my day job might be as close as I can get. I recently became a Career Advisor for Creative Writing Students. It's industry adjacent and let's me help others in their writing journeys.
Doesn't mean I'm not reaching for my dreams alongside them but I've found already that it can be both draining and fulfilling.
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Iron Man.
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Hey, Travis Seppala. Iām a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge. You can start a discussion in your introduction post, but you need to introduce/reintroduce yourself to the community. You could check out other posts in the Introduce Yourself Lounge to get ideas for your introduction post. Let me know if you have any questions.
And I think I'd be a federal agent. No, secret agent!
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Mary Helen Norris Glad to hear it. My day job... just keeps me from being homeless while I pursue my dream. ;) Glad yours brings you much more.
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Mike Childress HA! I feel like being a superhero isn't a job, though? I mean... unless you start charging to save people (like Resplendent man was doing in an episode of LOIS & CLARK: THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN)...
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Maurice Vaughan 1) Sorry. Didn't realize this wouldn't be a fit for introduce yourself since last week my introduce yourself thread about what people do outside of the industry for fun was a fit.
2) When I was a child, one of my dream jobs at one point was to be an assassin for the U.S. Governement... which... is kinda like being a secret agent, right? ;P
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You're right, Travis Seppala. Your IY post from last month fits better in the Your Stage Lounge. I didn't think about it at the time. Yeah, that'd be a secret agent. I'd be an Ethan Hunt Mission: Impossible secret agent. I would need additional education and training, but the gadgets would make up for it.
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Travis Seppala Writer and publicist here, and a moderator for the Stage 32 Distribution lounge.
I was lucky enough to live my dream job -- working in professional sports. Even my 20-year stint volunteering in junior football (post-secondary) as an executive (team director, president, assistant manager; conference president; league executive) got me into the inner circles of the Canadian Football League as a partner. But since I was a kid, I wanted to work in the National Hockey League and did as a freelance sports reporter, covering Edmonton during the Gretzky years to Calgary and the Iginla years. I was also a PR director in Triple A baseball.
I wouldn't have minded Paul Tagliabue's job as NFL commissioner, but hindsight makes me glad I wasn't. That's like herding cats.
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Travis Seppala I guess it's more like volunteer work? In that case my dream job is...early retirement...
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Mike Childress as someone "semi but more 3/4" retired, it's pretty great.
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Debbie Elicksen No short supply of retirees, quasi or otherwise, willing to state how great retirement is!
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Mike Childress My dad is retired a couple years ago on his 71st birthday (he'll be turning 73 tomorrow). He constantly complains that retirement is boring. I tell him he's doing it wrong. ;)
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Happy Birthday to your dad, Travis Seppala!
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Travis Seppala I was surprised when my Da retired, but he seems to have no complaints! I have plenty of hobbies, including screenwriting now, so for me it would be "O' [retirement] where is thy sting?"!
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Mike Childress I'd be watching all the movies. Reading all the library books. Playing in chess tournaments every weekend. Napping just whenever I damned-well felt like it. Beach days just 'cause. It'd be glorious to be retired.
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Travis Seppala Yeah, basically a lot of the time I would be sunning myself on a rock like a lizard...
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I'd be a professional chicken sandwich taster
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Pat Alexander My wife was just getting on me the other day because when I found out she's gotta be out of town next week on my days off, I suggested I should see if there's any good chicken sandwiches nearby I haven't tried yet, she goes "What is with you and chicken sandwiches all the time?!" Which, frankly, I think is an over-reaction as I also often want pizza or tacos. lol
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Secretary of a new branch in the US government; Department of Mirth.
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I feel like Pat has been saving this answer up for a while... Might be the Dept. of Girth as a chicken sandwich tester!
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I have it already. Part time wildlife biologist where the desert is my office when I work. Also, drawing and writing comic books. Which I also already do.
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I'm not interested, but there are some I'd nominate for president of Clown College.
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May I top that E. My job. Live with the Didir on Tschai and teach them chess. At least they don't know how bad I play -- so I tell them I'm a Grand Master. And they react with "Gmvhuaar Vidoartpi," freely translated: "a what?"