Introduce Yourself : It's That Weekend Again... by Richard M. Renneboog

Richard M. Renneboog

It's That Weekend Again...

Greetings to all! How are you all doing today for the first day of Autumn? Not a lot going on here today, just poking about checking things in my email and doing a little editing work. or those who don't know, I write and edit for Salem Publishing, as well as my own works of everything from fantasy to hard science (I'm a Master chemist and Electronics Engineering Technologist, but I have always been a writer). I have a bunch of story ideas that have yet to be completed, but I am working on them (I really should get them done!) I've also written scripts and plan to put some of them out there, just have to commit the best ones to print and make them available for publication. This is one of the ideas I work with: I wrote a script for The Big Bang Theory that would have made a great season-ender or even a filler episode, but the story arcs had already been set, so it didn't fit the schedule. Set it up, publish as a book and let the public decide if it's that good. Another one I've done is a sequel to The Princess Bride (and I emphasize SEQUEL, not a remake). It's the one i'd really like to see get into the hands of the right people to make the movie happen. Who knows? When I write fiction, the books are very episodic and read like scenes for a movie, so the conversion of my trilogy titled "To Marry an Elf" would become a script very easily. I'm just going to give it a go and see what happens. I'd appreciate knowing what others think of this. Looking forward to finding out.

Andrew DuFresne

Thank you for the opportunity!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Richard M. Renneboog. I think To Marry an Elf would definitely catch the eye of a producer or production company!

Richard M. Renneboog

Thanks, Maurice!

Debbie Elicksen

Richard M. Renneboog That looks like a full plate. Never "should" yourself. Sometimes those ideas morph into something better down the road, and other times they get discarded as no longer relevant to where you are. Writing is complex. It's the little things that count and while it seems like life gets in the way sometimes, those are the experiences that make your writing better.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Richard M. Renneboog. I'd like to see a sequel to The Princess Bride. I watched Beetlejuice Beetlejuice the other week and even though there's a huge gap between when the first movie and the sequel were released, the sequel worked! I'm sure the same thing can work for The Princess Bride.

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