Hello from LA! Just re introducing myself - an Actor/Voice Actor/writer looking for fellow creatives to collaborate on projects. Let's go!
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Great to see you again, Keeshan Giles. How's it been?
Thanks. Life's a roller-coaster. Busy one week, dead the next 3 or 4. But I keep enjoying on the ride!
How's things going with you Maurice?
You're welcome, Keeshan Giles. I know what you mean about life being a roller-coaster. I'm doing great. I'm keeping busy with scripts. Building up my portfolio. Do you write your own roles sometimes.
Welcome, nice to meet you Keeshan Giles
What kind of projects
1 person likes this
Great to see you again, Keeshan Giles. How's it been?
1 person likes this
Thanks. Life's a roller-coaster. Busy one week, dead the next 3 or 4. But I keep enjoying on the ride!
1 person likes this
How's things going with you Maurice?
You're welcome, Keeshan Giles. I know what you mean about life being a roller-coaster. I'm doing great. I'm keeping busy with scripts. Building up my portfolio. Do you write your own roles sometimes.
2 people like this
Welcome, nice to meet you Keeshan Giles
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2 people like this
What kind of projects