Screenwriting : Is InkTip legit? by Paul Guidry

Paul Guidry

Is InkTip legit?

Has anyone ever posted their scripts to InkTip or gotten any traction after posting their scripts to InkTip? Super curious to hear anyone's experiences.

Jeffery Mack

Ink Tip is legit. But just like The Blacklist, have all components of project in order and make sure its top notch.

John Clive Carter

Tends to be used by independent producers looking for specific types of scripts. Low budget. Horror. Comedy. Christmas. A slasher comedy set during advent requiring two sets max would be perfect :-)

Pat Alexander

I've used InkTip in the past but found the offerings very limited to micro to low budget genre stuff and sometimes deeply unserious, like one "producer" who makes no-budget westerns on their family ranch in the Mojave desert. which is great for them. Lotta indies on their like John mentioned

Danny Manus

yes, def legit but mostly for genre projects, faith based, family, and under $6M budgets. most producers on there are smaller.

CJ Walley

Very much legit and one of the better places for writers to break in since the industry members are smaller and have less access to material. I know someone who's gotten a couple of low budget features made and effectively kicked off a career.

Some of the listings are dubious though and that's not InkTip's fault. I had someone approach me about something they'd seen that looked perfect for me. The prodco mentioned (one of the biggest in the industry) is run by a friend of a friend, so I contacted him about it with the intention to attach him as director from the off. When he called the prodco owner they knew nothing about the listing and couldn't find anybody who did, and concluded it was probably someone low down the ranks working off their own back to build a slate of genre scripts they wanted to propose. Again, nothing wrong with that, but the request implied something very different on the surface due to the way it was written.

For me, InkTip is a realistic place screenwriters can get traction, providing they are prepared to humble themselves to the reality of where most need to start.

Paul Guidry

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate the info and the guardrails.

Francisco Castro

InkTip is legit. I've used InkTip, Coverfly and now, Stage32, when it comes to posting my scripts and submitting for OWAs. IMO, Stage32 is a better platform than the other two.

Rutger Oosterhoff

They only show your sctipt to producers if you are a premium member, and that will cost you arround $ 350 per year. So, NO, thanks. Took me half an hour to download my script for nothing!! It's hidden. Bollocks!!

Stephen Folker

I've known people who have had their work optioned / produced from inktip. However, they did not make much money (if any). On the flip side, if you're trying ot get your name out there, it's an option.

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