Designers create portfolios to showcase their skills, even using fictional items. Musicians publish their songs, arrangements, lyrics, or sometimes everything together. But for screenwriters—or those aspiring to be—how do we create this elusive portfolio, especially for those without connections or influence in the television industry? I ask because a script is just text. Thanks
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Hi, Adelmo Carneiro Lessa. I like to make posters for my scripts and post them on my Stage 32 profile and other websites. The posters catch the eyes of producers, directors, etc. Some screenwriters make short sizzle reels for their projects.
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Maurice Vaughan Thank you for the tip.
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You're welcome, Adelmo Carneiro Lessa.
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I start with the logline. After that - and I agree with Maurice Vaughan - a poster that captures the essence of your idea is invaluable.
A guy who used to work with Roger Corman told me Corman did this in the days long before the internet. He made postcard sized flyers all his ideas, and used to carry them around in a briefcase. Any time he met someone he got out his deck of cards. He’d ask what they liked. if an idea received more likes than the others, he prioritised it for development.
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Poster & synopsis is pretty much a must these days. Lots of people are pushing against it, but they aren't succeeding either.
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Maurice, I can't find your posters. Where and how to see?
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They're on my Stage 32 profile under "Loglines," Jed Power. Here's the direct link:
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Write, write, write. Build momentum behind your portfolio through a consistent style, voice, or genre. Try to win or place in some screenwriting contests. Build your network by interacting with fellow writers and industry folks through social media sites like Stage32. Practice pitching to whoever will listen (heck, even your pets!). And when you have a great script (after a few drafts and rounds of notes), shoot your shots! Whether that's direct pitches, cold outreach, queries, thru industry/network contacts, let 'err rip when you're ready and confident in what you've got!