My horror movie was inspired by actual events that happened to me in a haunted hotel. That hotel is located about 500 miles away from me, so going there and taking a photograph of it for my pitch deck is out of the question. There is a local hotel in my city that closely resembles the original location. My question is: if I take a photo of the hotel to use in my pitch deck should I ask the owner for permission to use it in my pitch deck? The photo will be altered of course, cropped, darkened, adding some creepy looking trees at sunset. And I'm sure the hotel owner would never know that I used his building to promote my movie project. Any suggestions? Here's a picture of the haunted hotel - the building on the right.
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Just don't put the name of the hotel. And if the pitch deck is sent to someone privately it's different than plastering on internet.
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Ask his permission first, but crop it for copyrighting reasons. It has to be legitimate, but respectful to the original owner.