Filmmaking / Directing : Quentin Tarantino Refuses to Watch Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Dune’ Movies Because ‘I Don’t Need to See That Story Again’: It’s One Remake After Another by Pat Alexander
Sounds like he's a little too up his own arse if you ask me. We've all got opinions, fair enough, and remakes are known for being the cinematic equivalent to insanity, but some remakes actually feel fresh enough to the point that it doesn't feel like you're watching the same story unfold twice (the 1983 Scarface is an example of this - it takes the premise of the original 1932 film and modernises it while keeping the same plot and main characters - renamed - and it feels unique by doing so).
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Sounds like he's a little too up his own arse if you ask me. We've all got opinions, fair enough, and remakes are known for being the cinematic equivalent to insanity, but some remakes actually feel fresh enough to the point that it doesn't feel like you're watching the same story unfold twice (the 1983 Scarface is an example of this - it takes the premise of the original 1932 film and modernises it while keeping the same plot and main characters - renamed - and it feels unique by doing so).
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Oh, Tarantino. Keeps us entertained :)
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It's hilarious because the production value alone from Lynch's Dune to Villenueve's Dune is night and day. Respect the conviction though
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His loss. Honestly, Dune 1 and 2 are breathtaking.