About once per month I am contacted by some other member, who wants to sell. Once I even had to report a scam to admin. The latest seller was so polite that I told him that it is almost impossible to sell anything here. Because there are no buyers here.
So I have a suggestion to admin. Please tell new members that this is the wrong place to sell anything. Instead sellers should network here, to get more resources, in order to become more competitive.
Anybody who can improve upon my suggestion?
Hi, Göran Johansson. Stage 32 actually is a place to sell scripts. I sold four short scripts to a producer in 2022.
Here's a success story from Stage 32's Success Stories page: "Journalist, writer and actress Danika Maia sold her first feature film to Goldilocks Productions after meeting with an executive through Stage 32! A former reporter for Vice, Danika threw caution to the wind in 2018 when she quit her job to focus on writing. She pitched her pilot, EASY MONEY, to Kristen Lucas through Stage 32, and the two began working together. Danika rewrote the pilot as a feature film at Kristen's suggestion, and EASY MONEY is now in production at Goldilocks. Congratulations Danika!" (www.stage32.com/scriptservices/success-stories)
And there might be other members who sold scripts through Stage 32 or members who are working their way to sales.
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I apologize for causing a misunderstandment. There are people here who are contacting individual members, believing the place is full of people who gladly buy services from others. Irritating for us who don't want to buy.
I'm sure that's irritating, Göran Johansson. Some members go about it the wrong way. They contact other members and ask them to buy scripts, but what they should do is network/build relationships first.